Chapter 21: Stop The Melody

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Right from the kickoff, FC Barcha already had the upper hand. Bachira casually dribbles past the enemy with no difficulty, and passes the ball to Tsuruji.

The duo gets past many opponents with their plays of dribbling and passing. "I'm quite disappointed, really. I was expecting a lot more than this~. After all, Ubers are known for their incredible defensive ability." Bachira cooed.

Eventually, Otoya joined in on their rhythm. Creating an unstoppable force even several defenders couldn't defend.

As they quickly melt through their opponent's defenses, Tsuruji passes to Bachira, as Bachira then precisely shoots the ball. Securing the first goal for FC Barcha.

"That's it~! Keep it up!" Bachira cheered in an attempt to motivate his team. While the rest of the players walked back to their starting positions for the next kick off.

On Ubers’ half, "We've underestimated our opponents, got any ideas Barou-san?" Marco asked, his gaze shifting to the towering striker.

Barou’s eyes stayed fixed on the field, his jaw clenched as he glared at the opposing team who had just scored. "Fuck off, Potato Head. I’m thinking," he snarled, clearly seething.

“Oh cool, gotcha..” Marco muttered, he had a grimace on his face despite the insult. He gave a small nod, trying to brush off the nickname and stay unfazed.


“Stay sharp! We’re going for that second goal!” Otoya called out, his eyes blazing with tenacity as he rallied his team.

The whistle echoed, and Tsuruji immediately took control, his eyes scanning the field. Spotting Otoya up ahead, he made the pass.

But just as the ball left his foot—


Niko slipped in, intercepting the pass with a well-timed move, his expression unyielding as he redirected the ball to Ubers' side.

Tsuruji’s jaw tightened. "Damn it…" he muttered, already shifting back to cover.

With Niko’s interception, Ubers quickly shifted into formation. Niko weaves around an approaching Barcha player before passing it to Shan Li, who instantly sent it back.

Niko sprinted forward, catching Shan Li’s return pass and maintaining their rapid exchange. But just as he turned to advance—


Bachira darted in with lightning speed, snatching the ball from between them. His mischievous grin flashed as he spun away, only for Shanli to immediately close in, blocking his escape.

Bachira's grin faded as he realized he’d be facing the two again, his eyes flickering with excitement at the renewed challenge.

“You are NOT going to get past us this time…” Shanli threatened, his aura growing more intense.

However, the dribbler did not falter upon hearing his threat. Instead, Bachira felt himself growing more excited by the second.
Unfortunately for the dancing bee, Marco with his stealth, sneaks by Bachira and the ball is gone in a blink of an eye.

“My ball now! Should've paid more attention, blunt bangs.”

“Ah shucks…”

Bachira recovers as fast as he could along with his other teammates, getting ready for a counter.

Upon receiving a beautiful pass from Marco, Barou charges forward like the wild beast he is.

With head to head chops, passing many opposing players, Barou reaches his shooting range and takes the shot, earning a goal for Ubers.

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