The Beginning.

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It all began on a cold summer night. 

In all honesty, it wasn't that cold. However, drama is important in stories such as this one.

Mia sat alone waiting on her boyfriend to show up to her favorite actor's movie premeire. She waited a good two hours before she broke down and left, realizing that her boyfriend wasn't going to come. She left the party and walked down the street to a small 24 hour cafe, still dressed in heels and a nice dress from the party. Inside the cafe were many young people her age, staring at a small screen in the back of the room, each of them sitting at their own table, minding their own business. No one was talking.

She sat down at the only table left with no one at it, a large booth that could fit over 30 people, and ordered a cup of coffee to keep her awake, hoping her boyfriend would still text her and say sorry. She felt awkward in the humble cafe wearing an expensive dress and sitting alone at the largest table in the room. She tried to distract herself bywatching the TV and noticed that this channel was supposed to air the movie she was just about to see in 4 hours. 

Sighing, she laughed at herself silently for buying expensive premeire tickets when she could have stayed at home and watched, while avoiding the heartbreak the night had brought.

The people in the room heard her, and most of them glanced over to her. Realizing she had nothing better to do with her night, she waved to every person who made eye contact with her, and some smiled back. Relieved, she decided to take a risk, and she waved a them over. The first person to come over was an one of the older girls in the cafe with blonde hair and a the face of a model.

Smiling, she sat down next the Mia and said, "Hi, I'm Viv."

As they talked they realized they both loved this actor and the more they talked, the more they came to realize everyone here must love him too. Soon enough more people came over, and almost the whole cafe was sitting in her booth.

Conversations began whizzing around the table at rapid fire speed, and each person tried not to loose their words in the mix of everyone else's.

 One person in particular stood out. He was the only boy at the table, and everyone had come to know him as Chris. He was Viv's age, and would wink at anyone who looked his way. The group of people would look his way everytime and roll their eyes, while some mumbled "fuck boy". However, they said it endearily (most of the time) because he was the only boy there, and they felt the need for diversity. 

Everyone was buzzing and soon enough two hours had passed. At this point people began to complain about the conversation. Some would stand up and leave the table to go backto their original seating, while some would leave the cafe altogether.

Before the movie aired there were only about 15 people left at the table. They enjoyed the movie together, well into the morning, and when it was over they all tiredly applauded and smiled at each other. However their story together is far from over. (cheesy ending idgaf).

To Chris and co.Where stories live. Discover now