"You're a Fish!" Chapter 9

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Monday, I blew off Luke.
Tuesday, I lied again.
What's going to happen today?

It was lunch time and I was sitting at the breakfast bar eating cold pizza for breakfast. Basically my life.

I was scrolling through Twitter and notice everyone tweeting Calum to post shirtless pictures.

I start stalking his page and see he tweeted they were going to the beach today.

Oh no.


Perfect timing, Luke. He had, of course, texted me and asked if I was feeling any better.

I knew if I said no, he would think something's up. I usually do everything with him and the guys.

But if I said yes, he would ask if I wanted to go to the beach with them.

I couldn't let this new life take me down. I wasn't going to let it ruin my life. So I said yes.

'Great! Wanna come to the beach with us?'  He texts back almost instantly.

'Sure. I'll meet you guys down there.' I reply.

I run up to my room and change into my pink and white bathing suit. I slip a white shirt and a pair of blue jean shorts over it and put on my sandals.

I grab my bag and leave my parents a note that I will be at the beach.


As I walk down the boardwalk to the beach, I see Luke, Ashton, Calum and Michael standing around.

"Hey guys." I say as I walk up to them.

Ashton, Calum and Michael greet me with hi's and hello's while Luke kissed my cheek.

They all take off their shirts and I take off my shirt and shorts. They all run into the ocean except for Luke.

"Ready to get in the water, babe?" Luke smiles.

"Uh," I say, looking for something to say. "I'm just gonna tan today." I smile.

"Oh," Luke's smile fades. "Okay." He says and joins the other guys in the ocean as I sit down in a lawn chair.

- Calum's POV -

Luke comes into the water without Emily.

"Is Emily not coming?" I ask.

He shakes his head no.

"That's the, what? Second time she's blew you off?" Michael says.

"Third," Luke mumbles, correcting him.

"Why doesn't she want to come?" Ashton asks this time.

"She wants to tan." Luke answers.

"Oh. That's just a normal girl thing." Ashton waves it off like it's nothing.

"Yeah, but she didn't want to come swimming the day she got back. Or yesterday when I wanted to have a picnic here," Luke replies. "It's like she doesn't want to hang out with me anymore."

"Maybe she just doesn't like the water?" I suggest, earning an 'are you an idiot' glare from all three of them. "I'll shut up."

"Is she on her period?" Michael asks.

"Michael!" Luke squeals.

"What?" He shrugs like it's no big deal.

"Just ask her," Ashton tells him.

"I'm not asking her that!" Luke says.

"Why not?" Michael asks.

"Because," Luke tells him. "It's awkward."

"I will." I roll my eyes and start swimming to shore.

Luke calls out to me but I ignore him. I get out of the water and sit down in a chair beside Emily.

She looks up at me and smiles. "Hi."

I don't even say hi back, I just ask. "Do you still like Luke?"

"Of course, I do." She sits up.

"Then why are you avoiding him?"

She opens her mouth to speak but stops herself and looks down. "I can't."

"Why not? It's not like the water will hurt you," I tell her. "See?" I say and drip some water off my hand onto her leg.

Emily's eyes widen when I do and she scrambles to get up. Before I can say anything, she's running away toward the rocks.

I stand up and start to run after her until Luke calls my name. He gives me the 'what-did-you-do' look. I shrug and run in the direction Emily did.

Once I get to the rocks, I have to climb over one to get in the middle of them. It's a little closed area me and the guys come here a lot.

I hear Emily behind one of the rocks that sit in the ocean. I walk around to the other side and see Emily, sitting in the water.

I gasp when I see her.

"You're a fish!"

A/N: Calum knows! Dun dun dun 😏 Feedback? I love to know what you guys think!

I'm back from the beach now so I will be updating more 😅

ily guys 💗

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