"What Are You Doing Here?" Chapter 25

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Emily's POV

I start at the beach that starts right where the boardwalk ends. I follow the directions on the letter that say to go right.

As I walk along the beach, I notice there aren't many people out anymore. The sun had gone down and the moon was slowly coming up.

I wonder where I'm going. Why is this person making me go here? Why is this person even making me do this at all?

As far as I know, I've never done anything to hurt anyone. What could I have done to make someone blackmail me like this?

Soon, I arrive at the rocks at the end of the beach. I've been here a bunch of times, so why did this person make me come back? I check the letter again.

Go to the other side of the rocks.

I climb over the rocks to the open space in the middle I've been to so many times. On the other side, the rocks jutted out into the water, making it an enclosed space.

I don't go to the other side of the rocks a lot. I usually just look over there instead of exploring. I figured it was just more water since the end of beach was on the other side.

I climb the rocks on the other side and land on more rocks, but this time, they were flat. I was standing on a mountain of rock.

Climb up the rocks.

I follow the instructions and do what the letter says. I'm almost at the top when I slip, no— fall.

I fall through a hole in the rock. I scream as my back slides against the rock down into the hole.

Once I get to the bottom, my body flips over because of the speed I was falling. I wince I slight pain. The rocks were flat but some weren't smooth. I definitely had scratches and bruises.

As I stand up, I realize I'm in a cave. I look up in front me and my eyes were granted with the most beautiful thing I've seen.

Besides Luke, of course.

It was almost an exact replica of the cave back in Hawaii. This place was made from some type of rock. It was different than the kind on the beach and the kind I had just been walking on. It surrounded me and the crystal blue water in the middle of the cave.

In all the years I've been living here, I don't know how I've never found this place. I wonder if anyone else has.

As I examine it closer, I realize there's a hole in the other side. Remembering my surroundings, there isn't anything else on that side of the rocks except for the ocean. That could be the source of water.

I check the letter and it says to jump in. I hesitate for a moment. I don't know what this thing is going to do. I decide to jump in on the count of three.

"One," I count out loud.

"Two," I step up to the edge.

"Three." I finish and jump in.

The impact makes me sink down but I swim back up once my legs transform to my tail.

I look around, wondering what to do next. That was the last of the instructions.

Suddenly, light begins to shine down onto me. The water grows warm and starts to bubble.

Just like the cave in Hawaii.

Are they the same type of pools? Did this turn people into mermaids too?

I look up and see the source of light is coming from the moon. There was a hole in the top, allowing the moonlight from the moon directly above to spill in.

After a few moments, my tail begins to feel tingly. I look down and see its receding.

"Oh my god," I say to myself.

I swim backwards and raise my tail up above the water. I could see half of my thighs. This pool didn't turn people into mermaids.

It turned them back human. Fully human.

I look around frantically. I had to get out of here. There wasn't anything I could grab onto and pull to get out of here.

I look around the pool and realize there were rocks just under the surface of the water. I grab onto it and push myself up out of the water. My tail is heavy and holding me down, but I manage to get my elbows onto the edge of the pool, out of the water.

I pull myself up. I'm only halfway out but I'm exhausted. I look back to my tail and see all the way down to my knees.

Becoming a mermaid has been a crazy adventure. I wasn't about to throw it all away because of a stupid cave.

I grab onto the rock with my hands and pull some more but this time, I was barely moving.

"Come on!" I say, pulling harder. It was already hard enough to get out but the water on the rock made it hard to keep a grip.

Out of breath, I stop. "This cannot be happening." I groan with closed eyes. I decide to try again. I wasn't letting water defeat me.

I take a deep breath but before I could begin pulling myself up, I felt something pulling me.

I don't know who it was, I was just glad they were here. I help them by pulling my lower half up and with the strength of the two of us, I was pulled out.

I flop over onto my stomach, breathing heavily. I look down at what was now half legs and half tail.

Would it stay like that? Will I get my full tail back or will it go away completely? I didn't have time to think about this now.

I look up to find out who pulled me out and was shocked. "What are you doing here?"

Cliffhanger hehe. Who do you think it is? Could it be Emily's letter writer/person/stalker thingy? 😏😂 idk what to call it.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Please leave feedback :-) ILY!

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