Family of 3 👶🏻

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You sit on the edge of the bed as you have your face in your hands bawling your eyes out.

"Baby! It's gonna be alright!"

Billie tries to reassure you while rubbing your back in comfort.

"Oh shit! I think I'm gonna puke again!"

You feel your mouth building up with saliva as you put a hand over your mouth and sprint into the bathroom just in time.

Let's go back three months ago.


You're on set filming a movie about Anne Bonny, a female pirate. You are playing Anne Bonny herself. In the movie there is a sex scene between your character and Ross Butler who plays Calico Jack (John Rackham).

The both of you are wearing padding but something slips and Ross goes inside of you accidentally.

"And cuuut! That was perfect!"

Embarrassed you just sit in bed covering yourself up.

"Uh, Ross?"


"Did you just-"


"Cum inside of me?"

You grit through your teeth.

"Oh shit!"

"Oh shit indeed! What the fuck do we do?!"

Ross grabs his robe and puts it on and walks up to the director to explain the situation.

It's a good thing that was the last scene of the day. Ross brings you to a walk in clinic where they give you a pill but clearly it wasn't enough.

Flashback over

Since you're filming in the Caribbean you decided that you would have a buzz cut but you still have to wear a wig for your character.

Billie crouches down and rubs your back once more.


"Why aren't you pissed?! I literally got myself knocked up while in a relationship with you!

You have an out!"

You are full out bawling your eyes out now.

Billie gives you a bunch of kisses on your now sweaty forehead.







"Anywhere! Do you hear me Y/N?! Ah fuck it!"

Billie leaves your hotel bathroom and goes to grab something into her bag. Confused you go into your bedroom to see Billie's back facing you.

"Bils, what's going on?"

Billie turns around and gets down on one knee.


"I know we've known each other for less than a year but I just feel like you're my soulmate. Y/N M/N L/N will you marry me and also allow me to help raise your kid together?"

"Yes! A million bajillion times yes!" You wrap your arms around Billie and attack her with kisses, obviously not kissing her mouth since you just threw up.

Since the real Anne Bonny did get pregnant by Calico Jack, you being pregnant wasn't an issue.

You and Ross had been good friends for a while so he was willing to compromise and sign his rights away so Billie could legally adopt your future baby boy, Chihiro.

You had Chihiro a month before the release of your movie and decided to bring him along to the premiere. Then a couple more months later in November you found out that you were nominated for an Oscar for best lead actress.

The moment you had been waiting for had finally arrived.

"And best leading actress goes to...Y/N L/N, Anne Bonny!"

The camera panes over to you being in shock not believing that this was happening.

"Baby! You won!" Billie snaps you back to reality and kisses your cheek. You comb your fingers through your hair and shake your head as you get your jitters out. While walking up the stairs you feel a pop sound in your ankle but now being an award winning actress you manage to push through the pain and hobble yourself up the rest of the stairs.

"Oh my gosh! Uh, I'm sure I either sprained my ankle or broke it hahahaha!" You laugh in a manic way causing concern to Billie and some others. Billie calls up some medic people.

"Oh snap! I'm being timed. Okay!" You then quickly mumble.

"I would like to thank the director, the people at Universal, Ross, Yara (Shahidi who played Mary Read as your characters other love interest), my parents, my future mother in law Maggie Baird for helping me prepare myself for this role..."

You mention more names.

"And thank you to the academy for this award! Thankyou!"

You bow and follow the presenters who bring you into the press room where you answer all of their questions about the movie.

When you get done you are pretty drained out so as soon as you get done waiting for the people to engrave your award you tell Billie that you're gonna head home.

"Thought we weren't gonna announce our engagement?"

"Oh fucking shit! I'm so sorry it just slipped out!"

"Hey I get it. Even I got nervous when I was receiving my award."

"We're probably gonna make the headlines tomorrow morning aren't we?"

"Nothing we can't handle, now let's go get your ankle checked out."

Billie carries you bridle style to an ambulance that awaits you outside of the building.

You are immediately hit with flashes from the paparazzi asking about your engagement.

Security thankfully is there to shield you and help you get inside where you find out that you indeed did break your ankle.

873 words
Not proofread

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