-you have gone on multiple tours with her and can't go due to your own career as a successful voice actress/adr director.
You and Billie are cuddling in bed in the house you both share together.
The two of you have been together for two years now. Both of you met through your ex, Quenlin Blackwell. At the time Billie was dating her but Billie was captivated by your beauty that she wanted to learn more about you. It was an after party for the Oscar's in which you had won best actress in an animated film along with best animated feature. Billie wasn't nominated for anything but had been invited and brought Quen as a plus one.
You are currently playing some MarioCart on your Nintendo switch 2 that Billie had gotten you for Christmas.
You say not looking away from the giant tv screen.
Billie grabs the controller from you.
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⬆️ by controller this is what I mean.
Billie clicks a button that pauses your game.
"Ummm... we need to talk."
"You're not breaking up with me, are you?!"
"No! No! No! That's the last thing I wanna do. I'm going back on tour."
"Bruh! I swear to-"
You sit up and comb your hand through your hair in a stressful manner.
"You were literally on tour like a year ago. Now you're going back?! And you just released new music. Like I love that for you but tour?!"
"I was literally about to ask you to come along with me."
"B, I can't. I'm starting a new collab project between the studio company I started with Jaiden (YouTuberJaiden Animations) and with Ghibli, well, it's now called Miyazaki Animations since Hayao just passed away. Anyways who in their right fucking mind can pass on the studio that made me want to get into the anime biz?! Like I gotta career too, you know!"
You are now in full tears.
"I know, baby, I know."
Billie wraps her arms around your waist but you just shrug her off.
"No you don't fucking get it! I wanna propose to you, have kids, and have a fucking family with you but what's the whole point if you're gonna constantly be on tour!"
"Y-you wanna propose and have kids with m-me?"
Billie's voice cracks.
"Shit! I thought I told you."
"You didn't."
"Well, now you know. Not that it made things any different."
You slap your thighs and get up.
"Where the fuck are you going Y/n?!"
"I can't do this with you anymore."
You rush into the giant walk in closet and start shoving things into your big duffle bag.
"What do mean by anymore ?"
Billie follows you and leans against the door frame of the closet.
You point a finger between you and Billie. You go to leave but Billie tugs on your arm.
"Please don't do this to me, Y/n!"
"Bruh! I'm the most average looking bitch ever! Am I a joke to you?!"
"Why the fuck would you say that about yourself?! In my eyes you're fucking gorgeous, Y/n!"
"Mhm. That's exactly what Quen said about me and then! BAM! She cheats on me with Montero. (Lil Nas X) Billie it's gonna be me or tour. You can't have both!"
"W-why would you ask me that?! You know I can't."
"That's what I thought. Bye Billie!"
You swing your bag over your shoulder and go downstairs and get your Staffordshire dog, Calcifer (since she's red she's named after the character from Howls moving castle).
"Cmon, Cal! We're gonna go stay with Quen for a while."
(Even though you and Quen are no longer together you're good friends.)
Cal follows you to the front door as Shark and Brutus appear out of nowhere. You give them kisses not knowing if you were gonna see them again.
"Take care of your mama for me, okay?"
You look up you see Billie sitting on stairs hugging her thighs with her arms.
"Don't do this to me Y/n."
Billie says with a hoarse voice as her eyes are blood shot from crying.
You remove your bag from your chest and set it down for a minute.
You give Billie a quick kiss on top of her head.
"Take care of yourself, Eilish."
You whisper into her ear. When Billie pulls her head up, you and Calcifer were both gone.
Billie lets out the most heart wrenching cry that gets the attention of the dogs who begin to whimper.