You break up with Billie

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-you are one of Billie's assistants until someone accidentally tells her mom about the two of you.

You and Billie are hanging out in the hotel room in Tokyo where Billie is currently on her Asian tour.

Knock! Knock!

"Come in!"

Billie yells over at the door. The door clicks as someone had to use a room key to come in.
It's Maggie, Billie's mom.

"Ummm... hun, can I speak to you in private?"

Maggie turns her head towards you.

"Yes ma'am."

You say all business like, while you get out of bed and follow Maggie back to her room. You turn your head around to see Billie furrow up her eyebrows worried. You give her a look that tries to reassure her. Little did the both of you know that you were gonna get let go while break up with Billie all in the same day.


You have your knees bent against your chest as your hands are in your face.

"I'm s-so s-sorry! I didn't mean to disappoint you."

You bawl your eyes out as you fail to control your breathing.

Maggie had just told you that she found out about you and Billie being a thing. When you became an assistant you had to sign a contract and in the contract you weren't allowed to date your boss which was Billie.

"I'm sorry too, hun!"

Maggie rubs your back in comfort.

"M-maybe it's h-honestly for the b-best."

Your voice shakes a little bit as your breathing has slowly went back to normal. As much as you liked your assistant job you knew it wouldn't be long term. Your dream was to become a successful voice actress while making music.

Maggie knew about your dream and wanted to help you out since she felt bad about letting you go.

She grabs her phone from her back pocket and scrolls through her contacts.

"Anya Kobayashi. (Made up name) She's a good friend of mine. She's a successful singer who's also in the voice acting world. Give her a call. She'll be expecting a call from you."

"Thank-you so much!"

You start to tear up.


Since it's morning you and Billie order some room service before Billie has to get to Tokyo Dome for rehearsal.

You get a steaming bowl of rice with mackerel and some miso soup while Billie just gets a soy milk latte.

Just as the both of you are finishing up with breakfast there's a knock on the door.

"I got it."

Billie gets up answers the door. It's Patrick this time.

"Are you almost ready to go kid?"


Billie grabs her stuff and puts it into her mini backpack before walking towards the door.

"Y/n, are you coming?"

From the look on Patrick's face, Maggie had told him about you getting let go.

"Y/n has some stuff she has to do. You'll meet us there?"

"Yes sir."

Once the door closes you grab your bags and start packing.

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