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"In the end! It doesn't even matter!" Alec shouts over the radio, fist pumping his roof.

I laugh, covering my mouth with my hand. He had put the radio on blast and had the all the windows rolled down. I'm pretty sure people are looking at us like we're mental. Even the drivers are giving us weird looks.

And thank goodness that was the end of the song.

Then, a familiar chord of an electric guitar played. This is my favorite song, and I have a feeling Alec's going to sing it very terribly.

I look at Alec, and he wriggles his brows playfully. I shake my head, giggling.

"Alec, please, don't--"

"I was thinkin' about her! Thinkin' about me! Thinkin' about us! What we gonna be? Open my eyes," he sings, closing his eyes and grabbing my hand.  "It was only just a dream!"

I giggle. And here comes the rap part...

"I was at the top and now its like I'm in the basement. Number one spot and now she find her a replacement. I swear now I can't take it, knowing somebody's got my baby. And now you ain't around baby I can't think," he raps, furrowing his brows and looking out his window.

He stops at a stoplight and a woman next to us was staring at me. He jerks his head, smiling.

"Hey there, pretty mama," he shouts, waving his other hand.

I gasp and slapped his shoulder, "Alec!"

He laughs, and I saw the woman roll her window back up. Aw! That poor woman! I can't even with Alec and his singing.

"Oh, here it comes," he says, turning the radio up even louder.

"Alec, please. You're scaring the children," I joke, resting my head on the headrest.

"I was thinking 'bout her. Thinkin' 'bout me. Thinkin' 'bout us. What we gonna be? Open my eyes, yeah. It was only just a dream,"

We turn a corner and saw The Mission restaurant. Yes! Now people won't give us weird looks. For now... Alec loves singing to anything while he's driving. Something that I learned in the two months we've been dating.

He bobs his head up and down as he parks in front of the restaurant. I saw Brianna's car parking a few meters from us. I'm glad she made this lunch to meet up with our old friends again. Maybe she took it into consideration when we talked about it a couple months back.

I unbuckled my seat belt and got out of the car. From inside, I see our group of friends all together in the same area we would eat at, laughing and talking to each other.

What were their names again? It's been awhile. They probably remember me because I'm the girl with a boy's name. ...I think that's my pet name from someone in the group...

Alec walks up behind me, stopping, "What's wrong?"

"Hm? Nothing. I was just..." I trail off, looking at Alec. He raises his brows, interested in what I'm saying. I sigh, "I don't even know,"

I walk to the entrance and opens the door. The familiar smell of honey syrup and french toast came at me like a whiplash. Holy mama I missed this place.

I walk in, feeling nostalgic. It's still the same. Everything was still in it's place. All the tables are still  neatly in order, and the trophy of a deer's head is still on the wall with the lock around it. I remember that time... Someone tried to steal it.

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