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It was Wednesday night, I was tired from work for the first time in forever, and I didn't feel like doing anything. Those damn kids hit me with their action figures and that one little girl was being such a brat. I hate babysitting, but I had to do something to get more money for the bills.

I waited for Alec in the living room, just looking around the place. I was wearing a blue dress that ran down to my knees, and Chanel sandals. I was holding a small purse that held my money and phone in my lap. I curled my hair and put on a little make-up.

Alec and I were having a dinner together.

It wasn't really my idea, but he insisted that we go to one. Because apparently, we haven't gone to one with just the two of us.

I mean, it's true that we haven't gone on to a dinner alone, but... We weren't really into that phase before. I guess we are now.

Feeling really bored, I pull out my phone and started texting people at random. Some of these people I don't even remember getting their numbers. Like who the heck was Raymond? Or Nick? Or Kenzie? My eyes nearly popped out of my head when I saw an odd contact in my contact list.

Ghost Busters?

What the hell was I doing when I got this number? Was I stoned or something?

I mentally beat myself up. I'm such an odd person...

I started deleting number that I don't remember getting. These people are so random... Why was I getting these people's numbers anyway? Most of these numbers were guy's numbers. I hope they don't have my number... They probably don't, they should've sent me a text by now. These numbers were probably like a month old now.

I got done with deleting numbers when Alec had gotten out of his room. I turn my head and my mouth fell to the ground. He looked stunning. He was wearing an all black tuxedo, but the only color he was wearing was a blue tie. His hair was messy though, but it made him look a lot more sexier.

He started to walk towards me, and without thinking I got up from the couch. When he was a couple feet from me, I noticed his jacket was messed up, so I reached out and fixed it for him.

"Is this your first time wearing a tuxedo, Alec?" I ask him, smiling at him.

His lips curled into a sheepish smile, "You're silly."

I laugh. I reach up so that I could fix his hair. From afar, it looked sexy, but up close it didn't. It was a little wet, so I slicked it back then to the side. I pull my hand away, taking a good look at him, then smiled at my work.

"You should thank me later." I cheekily say.

He shakes his head, his shoulders shrugging from a laugh. "Are you ready to go or no?"

"Yes! I've been ready!"

He smiles tenderly, "Then let's go."

We had gotten out of the apartment and into the car without any interruption. My father wasn't on my porch, thank goodness.

Alec and I had driven to a really fancy restaurant. It took almost half an hour to get to, and I was complaining about how far it was. Alec had took duck tape from his compartment and put a small piece onto my mouth.

He reached towards me and peeled the tape from my mouth. I gave him a dirty look, and he chuckles.

"You had to shut up somehow," he says.

I stuck my tongue out and we got out of the car. He locks his car and we started walked towards the restaurant. He grabs my hand at the door.

"I first found out about this place when me and my family ate here for my parent's 15th anniversary," he says, grinning at me.

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