|~Lucky yet so unlucky~|

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October 12th 2022
"I feel like an old granny." I whine.

"Well, that's the only thing we can think of to help you walk around the hospital so you'll have to deal with it." Julie shrugged.

I frowned, walking slowly beside her with my walker.

"Look, I'm sorry you have to go through this but I've already vowed to Johnnie that I will take the best care of you." She played a hand on my shoulder.

"You did that?" I look at her as she takes her hand off my shoulder.

"I see the way you two look at each other, like no one's in the room but you two. He loves you, he cares for you, he wants the best for you. The least you could do is return the favour, be his girlfriend!" She grasped her hands together.

"I do love him! I care for him so much and want the best for him, I'm just scared. I don't want the same for Vinnie, plus I've known him for like 2 months." We continue walking along the halls.

"I know, but you guys are perfect together!" She smiled softly.

"I don't think we are meant to be together. You heard the saying, right person wrong time?" I sigh.

"Romeo and Juliet weren't meant to be together. Look at them now." She shrugged.

"Romeo and Juliet are fictional characters. They don't exist. The reason they aren't meant to be together is because of family feud. Completely different to my situation." I glance her way.

"Oh, yeah. Well still, you guys need to be together." Silence falls between us.

The only sound you could hear would be the faint voices of people in their rooms.

"Hey, Vinnie called." Julie broke the silence.

"I heard." My expression lay blank as she continued.

"He made up lies about your scars, said you didn't eat. I know you eat, you did go through a time when you had a mommy belly but you look way better now, I know it's because of your exercise I just, it's hard to get them to listen to you. I'm so sorry!"

"I know. I've probably gained so much since my injuries. I can't go to the gym at the minute."

"Of course, but that's nothing the gym can't fix! You're an amazing, talented girl Arianne. He failed to see that. He saw a terrified little girl and took advantage, but your stronger than him. That's the whole reason you survived!" She stopped in her tracks, opening her arms.

I hug her, holding onto the walker with my foot.

"Everything will be okay, he can't hurt you. No matter what happens in that hospital, just know you're only there for a month." She held me tight as tears sprung to my eyes.

"I have one serious question." My voice cracked. "Are they taking Johnnie with me?" I ask.

"Yeah, he only has a week." She explained.

"Okay, why did Johnnie attack him? And why is he going to a mental hospital? shouldn't they be taking him to jail?" I scrambled.

"It's almost as if you'd rather him go to jail. Is that what you'd want?" We continued walking.

"Well of course not, I'm just confused, he attacked a man."

"I know, atleast he will be with you for a week. When the police officer comes by, he's going to have a tracker attached to his ankle. So if he tries to escape in the next two days, he won't." She explains.

"Oh god, that's horrible. Also can I try walking without the walker?" I ask.

"Are you confident in yourself?" She asked and I nodded. "Well then, go ahead."

|~M.I.L.F~|J.G fanfic|Where stories live. Discover now