Chapter List/Suggestions

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Cover art by: thegatorsgoose.

Hey guys, this first chapter will be reserved for people's suggestions and ideas for future scenarios and chapters. As well as a chapter summary for each chapter in case you are looking for a specific scene!

This fic is here because I had so many alternate scenarios and plans for scenes which didn't fit into the main plot of my universe. Most of this will be non-cannon or will not affect cannon in any way.

Some examples of ideas I hope to write about:

Decepticons turn human in some incident and Danny has to fix things.

What if Danny and Knockout drove through the wrong groundbridge in "Burning Rubber"

Cons reaction to Danny's humans (Sam, Tucker, Jazz... Maybe Dani)

Ghosts meeting the cons or the Cons seeing Danny's interactions with the ghosts

Some more stuff about M.E.C.H

Danny gets to meet characters that show up way later in the show ex. Shockwave, Prediking, Smokescreen.

What if the characters from all three of my Danny Phantom crossovers met

Things like this! And because this is a non-cannon fic, you guys can really suggest anything. And I can write a scenario a few different times if you want it to go differently. Anyone who leaves a suggestion that I haven't planned out already, I will credit your comment and try my best to follow the description of what you wanted <3 - If you don't want to be credited, just put (anonymous) at the end.

Obviously, I may not be able to get everyone's Ideas done. But I can try my best! Also, while 'Haunting the Nemesis' is updated weekly. This one won't be as fast! I'll post updates every once in a while when I get really good inspiration and suggestions. But writing so much for 'Haunting the Nemesis' on a time crunch really burnt me out!

Thank you to everyone who has supported this series. I love and adore you all, and your comments and art mean the world to me!


Chapter 1: BEWARE

"The Decepticons are faced with an unknown glowing blue intruder in overalls who breaks into their storage vault and steals cubes of their energon, claiming they are rightfully his. Danny should have known he would show up sooner or later." - Suggestion by thegatorsgoose.


Chapter 2: Cockpit Sighting

There have been some strange reports of a human travelling with Starscream. - Part 1: of alternate scenes from "Catching Up With The Autobots."


Chapter 3: KO Drive-In

Breakdown, Knockout, and Danny are spotted at a drive-in theatre. - Part 2: of alternate scenes from "Catching Up With The Autobots."


Chapter 4: Dark Energon

Danny is woken by a strange sensation in his core.


Chapter 5: I See You in the Constellations

Starscream's optics widened. Danny was... leaking? "What is happening? Why are you—" He gestured vaguely at Danny's face, at the unnatural moisture gathering along his cheeks. "Are you broken?"

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