KO Drive-In - Chapter 3

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Summary: Breakdown, Knockout, and Danny are spotted at a drive-in theatre.

Part 2 of my alternate scenes for "Catching Up With The Autobots." Also, if you didn't see it, there was also an explanation posted in the last chapter.

This chapter is not canon


Jack sighed, adjusting his grip on the handles of the overloaded food tray as he trudged across the parking lot. Working at KO Burger wasn't glamorous, and having a drive-in theatre right across the street meant extra business. And extra hassle. Management thought it was a genius idea to offer food delivery directly to patrons' cars while they watched movies. Jack wasn't so sure.

He dodged a few stray rocks and crumpled fast-food wrappers littering the asphalt as he weaved through rows of parked cars, careful not to trip or drop the tray. The muffled dialogue from the movie playing on the giant screen barely registered as he looked down at the receipt taped to the tray.

"One order for 'Calcifer,'" he muttered to himself, scanning the details. It included a description of a black pickup truck and its license plate number.

After a few more steps, he spotted the truck near the middle of the lot. With a resigned sigh, Jack approached and knocked on the driver's window. The bearded man inside barely acknowledged him as he rolled down the window, grumbling something under his breath as he grabbed the food and drinks off the tray. The woman in the passenger seat didn't even look up. The window closed immediately after.

"Thanks," Jack mumbled sarcastically as he tucked the tray under his arm and turned back toward the restaurant. He'd barely made it a few steps when something caught his eye. A car, parked at the edge of the lot.

Jack froze. Staring at it. A sleek red car was parked at the edge of the lot. Its glossy finish made it stand out like a sore thumb among the beat-up trucks and sedans. Unmistakable intricate patterns trailing down the doors... Knockout.

He almost stumbled back in shock. What was he doing here!? His eyes darted around, half-expecting someone else to notice, but the other patrons were oblivious. Of course, they wouldn't realize a Decepticon was parked right next to them; they didn't even know Decepticons existed.

Jack ducked behind the back of another random car, trying to stay out of sight. His eyes then drifted next to the muscle car. There was a blue, beat-up armoured truck, its exterior caked in dirt, dents, and scratches, sitting in the next spot over. Suspiciously close to Knockout.

Jack didn't peg Knockout as the type of mech to park next to a truck with that much dirt on it unless... He glanced at the front of the truck, and there, engraved on the grill, was a Decepticon logo. That must be his big blue assistant or whoever; Jack had only seen him a few times. He was Bulkhead's nemesis or something if he remembered from Miko's dramatic retellings correctly.

Fantastic. Not just one Decepticon in Jasper, but two.

Before he could fully process the situation, movement in the truck caught his attention. There, sitting on the driver's side, was a human leaning back on the seat. Not just any human. Jack looked the kid up and down. Black hair, blue eyes, leather jacket... The kid from the race. The one who'd been in Knockout during that chaotic street race where Bumblebee had been run off the road. They'd assumed he was gone. That he escaped or something. But here he was, laughing and chatting with the Decepticons.

Jack blinked, certain he had to be imagining things. He squinted at the three of them. He needed help. And fast. He turned and bolted back toward the restaurant, his heart pounding. He burst through the restaurant doors, almost tripping over himself. Jack ignored his manager's confused expression and made a beeline for his locker. "Sorry, family emergency!" He called out behind him, fumbling with the lock. He hoped this didn't result in getting him written up again.

Finally, he retrieved his phone and quickly dialled. "Arcee!" he exclaimed the moment she picked up.

"Jack? What's wrong?"

Jack glanced around, lowering his voice as he cupped his hand around the phone mic. "I just saw Knockout and the other one — uh, Breakdown?! At the drive-in theatre. In Jasper. They weren't alone. That human boy, the one from the race? He was with him!"

"What? Are you sure?"

Jack hesitated. "I didn't get a perfect look, but... yeah, it's him! I know it!"

There was a pause on the other end before Arcee's firm voice replied. "All right. Stay put. Bumblebee and I are on our way."


"Seriously," Knockout drawled. His voice filtered through Breakdown's coms and was amplified into his interior speakers for Danny's benefit. "Whoever came up with this plot should be scrapped. The pacing is atrocious, and don't even get me started on the dialogue."

Danny rolled his eyes. "It's not that bad. It's supposed to be campy. That's the whole point!" Danny took a bite of his popcorn. He was currently sitting in Breakdown's cab because, and I quote. 'I would sooner launch you out of the Nemesis airlock before I let you bring a single piece of that inedible organic slop in my cab.'

Breakdown had laughed at Knockout's antics and said Danny could stay in his cab instead as long as the human was careful. So here Danny was. Sitting in Breakdown's driver's seat while Knockout complained about the scenes and Danny would retort. Breakdown simply just silently enjoying the movie and listening to the other two bicker.

Knockout huffed. "If this is what humans consider entertainment, it's no wonder you're all so frail. Your processors can't handle anything more sophisticated. Back on Cybertron—"

"—You sound like an old man," Danny teased, cutting the mech off.

Knockout's engine grumbled in annoyance, but before he could retort, a soft ping sounded from the console. Danny leaned forward closer to Breakdown's console. "What's up?" He asked.

"Looks like Soundwave's got a job for us," Breakdown explained, already starting his rumbling engine.

Danny glanced up at the screen, gently putting his popcorn to the side, making sure none fell out of the packet. "Great. Just when the movie was getting to the good part." He said sarcastically.

"Don't think this movie has a good part," Knockout complained. "I'm picking the next one."

Danny clipped on his seatbelt. "It's Breakdown's turn next week." He glanced out the window towards the red speedster.

Breakdown pulled out of the parking lot, heading towards the exit. "It's fine. I'll pick the week after. And it will be a Rom-Com." Danny could feel the smirk in his tone.

Knockout made a sound of horror. And Danny laughed.


By the time the Autobots arrived at the theatre, the Decepticons and supposed kidnapped human were already gone.



Fun fact: Breakdown and Knockout are the only two Decepticons in Transformers Prime who don't have a visible Decepticon insignia anywhere on them. (Knockout probably thought it would clash with his design, honestly). But I kinda gave Breakdown one for this chapter cause I needed the moment of realization. 

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