Short chapters - A story on Sunghoon and Wonyoung's developing alternate love story, leading through their lives with unfolded connections as their feelings grow through their adulthood. Facing the challenges of competing family businesses, Park Cap...
WY: I'm so glad I get to see you weekly now, honestly.
SH: I can't lie, it helps get my mood up so much more recently too- glad we are both having fun through this opportunity *put his hand on hers*
WY: What's going on? Are you okay??
SH: No yeah I am. It's just that..- *he paused, hesitating to carry out his plan*
WY: ..What is it?
SH: Well, you know how my mom is. She's been stressing me out recently. Over the company, of course. It's just that I don't see as much importance in success as my parents do.
WY: Oh, I- you know I understand how it feels too. We go through the same thing. I'm here to talk whenever you need me
SH: I know, you've been here supporting me for awhile now but it's just that..
WY: Why do you keep hesitating with your words today? Are you hiding something from me?
SH: It's just that we've been texting and talking from a distance for awhile now. Since we meet each other weekly, I just felt like I needed a hug today. It's probably just because I'm feeling a bit down after a rough weekend. I..understand if you don't want to.
WY: No, no. Of course. Come here
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WY **All of a sudden I was hugging this man. Park Sunghoon. What was happening?! No, it was just a hug. I was helping to console him. Though, it felt odd. He was clinging onto me, really tight. He must have had a rough day for sure, his head hanging down to my shoulders. We sat like that for awhile- waiting in the backstage room. What if someone walked in? I didn't want anyone to get the wrong idea. We were just business partners on the outside.
SH **I mustered up my courage for this moment- me, hugging the Jang Wonyoung. As intimate of a moment as it was, I made sure to lock the door in case of anyone else coming in. I wasn't going to take any chances. Even if we had feelings for each other, it would have to be in secret. We were definitely both not ready for this to be let out to the public, or even our families. I might have hugged Jang just a bit too tight, but in that moment it felt like all of my worries faded away, compensating for the years of poised hardship I had been through.
WY: *pushes away* Are you better now?
SH: Yeah. That really- helped. Thanks.
There was an awkward silence in the air. Thankfully, it was almost calltime, and whatever happened before they went to film would have to be transformed into onscreen chemistry for the sake of showing their best sides to the public.
i think we did a good job today as well, there were loud cheers during the game segments :)