Chapter 1

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"The Boy Next Door"
My dad threw the first punch and I was already on the ground. I was more taken aback then physically in pain, even through my nose hurt tremendously. I looked up into his cold drunk eyes and saw nothing but madness. I hate it here, I hate my dad, but most of all, I hate my life. I felt warm liquid run down my nose and I went to wipe it. It was blood, of course it was blood, after all I barely could feel my nose either. I got myself back onto my feet and stared right at my dad. He looked into my eyes and took two, short, staggering steps towards me. Tears filled my eyes and I ran out of the house, slamming the door behind me. I ran to my car as fast as I can and turned the engine on, then drove away. I was speeding, but I didn't give a crap, I finally slowed and came to a stop near a quiet, little alley. That's when it finally hit me hard. My dad, the one who used to give me piggyback rides in the store, the one who used to call me pumpkin and told me I was God's gift to him, just punched me in the face. I cried, I cried until no more tears came. That was the first time in my whole life, even after my mom died, that he ever, layed a hand on me. I felt my nose to see if it was still bloody and it was. "Shit" I mumbled to myself. Well, at least I can feel my nose, so it's not broken. Across the street was a drug store, so I decided to get some bandages there. When I walked into the store, there were barley anyone inside except for an old lady, and the man behind the cash register. I grabbed some heavy duty bandages and went up to the cashier. "What happened?" He asks with a concerned look on his face. "I fell" I flatly said, and I left it at that. There was no way I was going home after all that crap. So I decided to drive to a hotel for the rest of the night to get away from my drunk dad. Plus, I don't think I can face him anyways right now. I had $500 dollars on my credit card I can use for food and the hotel room, and more in my bank account I got years ago. So why go home right now? I was covered.


I ate my Taco Bell dinner in my hotel room, then got into the shower to clean up a bit. My nose still hurt a lot even after the medicine the hotel nurse gave me. The only way to stop it was to sleep off the pain, so I got ready for bed. I lie in bed awake thinking about my mom, I always think about my mom before I sleep, it gives me some comfort and good dreams. I smile with tears in my eyes at the thought of her. "Hi mom, I miss you and I love you" I whisper to the ceiling, and the tears break lose and spill down my cheeks onto the pillow. "How's heaven? I hope to see you again someday, goodnight mom" I say as I close my eyes. I think about the day when my mom was taken away from me, forever. I was 14, and it was in the middle of August. I was about to start my freshman year in high school. Me and my dad were at home, sitting at the kichean table eating lunch. There was a knock at the door and my dad went to answer it. I heard him choke up, and close the door quietly Behind him, while he talked to the stranger outside. I walked up to the door and pressed my ears against it. I heard muffled words that I couldn't make out, and loud sobs. I backed up when my dad slowly opened up the door and motioned for me to come out. That's when I found out that on my mom's way to the store, she was involved in a terrible car accident. The car was flipped over and she died right at the scene, while the other driver lived but was in critical condition. After that, it has never been the same. Tears fill my eyes again but I blink them back. Finally, in what seems like years, I stop thinking and sleep takes me away.

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