Chapter 10

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"The Boy Next Door"
I start the ignition in my car, and drive off. This is the second time I've ditched school, and it's only been a month since I've started. I didn't give a shit though, I don't even think I'm going back. I pull up into a park near my house that I used to go to with my parents, back when I was little. I kill the engine and step out of the car, locking it behind me. When you first enter the park, there is a playground. The worn out slides making them look ancient. In the far right corner, are the swings, where most of the little kids are at waiting in long lines. On the other side of the slides, are the monkey bars, completely empty. I walk past the park, my childhood memories, heading straight for some benches surrounded by grass, near the back of the playground. I take a seat on one of the benches facing the park. I can't believe it, I can't believe I punched Kati in the face. That bitch deserved it, but I've never thrown a punch at anyone in my entire life. What I did today reminds me so much of what my dad does to me. The fact that I did that to someone else, even if it's Kati, makes my stomach churn. I'm turning out like my dad. After a while of sitting there thinking to myself, the tears finally come. I put my head in my hands, trying to control my sobs, even though I know I'm being loud. I sit there, wetting my palms, as my body trembles. I wonder if this is what my dad does every time he strikes me? I wonder if he even cares, or even notices, what he is doing to me.



I sneak around the back of the school, where my motorcycle is parked. I had told everyone that I was feeling ill, and was going home early. I lied. What I was really doing, was ditching school to go find Paige Johnson. I felt bad for what happened, and I couldn't stand the guilt eating away at me any longer.

It took some time, but I eventually found her at a park, just down the road from our houses. As I parked my motorcycle, I noticed that her head was down in her hands. Nice going Thomas, you made her cry. I thought to myself, as I walked over there. I was nearing the bench when I stopped short. Should I do this? I mean she probably wants nothing to do with me. No, you inconsiderate asshole, try and make her feel better! I quit thinking to myself, and fast-walk over to the bench until I'm standing beside her. "Hey, Paige." She looks up at me, wiping the tears off her blotchy face. "What the hell do you want?" She's chokes out, wiping the palms of her hands on her jeans. "I-I'm so sorry." I look down, feeling tears form in my eyes. "I should of never let Kati pull the scheme. I feel like such an ass, is there anything, and I mean anything, I can do to make it up to you?" I look up at her, blinking back the tears that were ready to fall. She stands up from the bench, poking her index finger at my chest, pushing me backwards. "That's what you said last time, If you were really sorry, you wouldn't have done it a second time!"

Any trace of the old Paige, crying on the bench a few seconds ago is gone. Damn, she's one tough ass chick.  A slight smile appears on my face, the kind of smile I gave her earlier when she stood up for herself at lunch. "You are one badass, you know that?" She raises an eyebrow, takes her index finger off my chest, and steps back. She crosses her arms, her beautiful blue eyes staring at me top, to bottom. "Excuse me?" "I mean, I um well, it's a good thing, and I-" She stops me short with the roll of her eyes, and her right hand a couple inches in front of my face, telling me to stop talking jibberish. "I know what you mean, I gotta go." I have to do something, I have to make her stay. "Paige wait." I say, as she goes to grab her bag. I put my hand on top of hers without even realizing it, I quickly take it off embarrassed. She looks down at her hand, then back at me, her face a slight shade of pink from the hand incident. "Sorry about that, wasn't thinking." "Just stop touching me, looking at me, and everything! Just leave me the fuck alone." "Fair enough, but before I do that, could I please take you out to eat as an apology?" She shakes her head no. My insides drop to the bottom of my stomach from disappointment.

"If you let me take you out, we can talk more about it. Work it out, then you never have to see me again. Just please, can I make this up to you?" I could tell she was thinking for a moment, and my fingers were crossed. She slightly rolls her eyes, dropping her hands down at her sides sighing out loud. "Fine, you can. But afterwards, I want to go home, then you leave me alone. Ok?" I smile, still slightly disappointed that she wants me to leave her alone. But I guess this is good enough. "Ok." I say. "Have you ever been on a motorcycle?" She glances at my motorcycle she sees parked at the entrance of the park. "No, I haven't.." I flash her a little smile. "Well today, is your lucky day."

As we were walking to my motorcycle, Paige asked. "What about my car?" "Don't worry, we can come back for it after." I help her up onto the bike, then get on and start up the engine. I hand her an extra helmet I had, then proceeded to put on my own. I put my hands on the handle bars, backing up the motorcycle, when I felt it. Her warm, skinny arms wrap around my torso. It sent comfort through my body. I smiled big, thankful that she couldn't see me.

We were sitting down in Olive Garden, when Paige took a bite of her breadstick, then turned her attention to me. "Start talking." I bite down on the side of my cheek, and look down. I can't tell her I was the one who climbed through her bedroom window, took the diary, and gave it to Kati. I didn't want her to hate me and never speak to me again. I was going to have to lie. "I wasn't a part of it, Kati just thought the whole thing would be a great idea. I should of told her no, and I'm sorry I didn't." And I was. I was really, really sorry. I just wish I could tell her the truth. She just shrugs, looking at me. "Ok." Was all she said, before glancing back down at her menu.

"You can order anything you like. I mean anything at all." She looks up at me and giggles. "So I could order 3 meals and desserts and you wouldn't care?" "Uh, maybe then I would." She laughs harder, God I love that laugh of hers. We turn to see a waiter approach our table. "Hi, my name is Aubrey and I'll be your server tonight. Are you guys ready to order." I look at Paige, giving her a nod. She nods back, then turns to the waiter. "I'll get the Chicken Scampi with a glass of water please." The waiter scribbles down the order on her notepad, then turns to me. "And what about you sir?" "I'll get the Cheese Ravioli, and a glass of water as well." She scribbles down my order. "Perfect, I'll be back soon with your order." I look at Paige while she takes another bite of her breadstick. I can't stop staring at her, she's so pretty. She looks at me and her eyes grow big. "Your staring at me, is there something on my face?" I laugh, shaking my head no. "So how's High School coming along? I mean, since you've gotten here?" She says, wiping off her face anyways. "It's good, the people there are pretty nice I guess." She nods and slightly smiles. I could tell the smile is fake though, because I know what she goes through everyday in that school. Hell. "So tell me" I begin, changing the subject. "Name your favorite band, color, and animal. Go!" She chuckles. "Why?" "Oh could you just do it, for me?" She tucks a piece of her gorgeous light brown hair behind her ear and speaks. "Favorite band is probably The Script. Favorite color is black or turquoise. And last but not least, a Dolphin." I fiddle with my hands under the table, but flash her a big smile. "Cool, you have good tastes." She raises her eyebrows, grinning back. "I'm glad we've accomplished that." Just then, we see our waiter appear with our food.



As soon as me and Thomas see our food, we attack it. Mine was really good, and I could tell Thomas was enjoying himself too. I was a little suspicious though. What was with all these questions? I decide to shove the question away for now, and enjoy my time with him, because I know that will be the last. Especially with Kati being his girlfriend, I'll never see him. I glance over at him while he's taking a bite. A drop of red sauce, is on the corner of his lip on the left. Fuck, that makes him even more adorable. Stop! This is the guy who was mean to you just a couple days ago, stop getting attached! "Paige, you okay." I blink a couple times nodding my head. I guess with all this thinking, I had been staring off in space. "Yeah I'm fine. But you got a little something on your lip." I point to the spot on my lip where the drop of red sauce is. He wipes it off the corner of his mouth, then licks his finger off making me giggle.

With my arms around his torso, me and Thomas make our way back to the park where my car is. He helps me off his bike, and I give him back the helmet. "Thank you, for all of this Thomas. I had a great time." He smiled. I fought off the urge to hug him, knowing he's with Kati. So instead, I do the lamest thing. I extend my hand out to him, and he shakes it. "I'll see you at school tomorrow?" He asks. I didn't want to go back to school. But I guess I had no choice if I wanted to leave later on in life. "Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow." I get into my car and start the engine. I watch him get on his bike, and speed off down the street. I pull my car out of the parking space, and start driving down the road. Still in shock, about what the hell just happened.

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