Chapter 8

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"The Boy Next Door"


"Guys, I'll meet up with you in a bit, I'm gonna go have a smoke." I leave my friends and head outside. I needed to clear my mind. I was such an ass hole earlier, and I regretted it so much, but I'm not the type to apologize. I pulled out a cigarette, lighting it with my match. I sighed, leaning against the walls of the side of the school. "Thomas!" I know that voice, it was Kati. I quickly put out my cigarette, and start walking towards her. She wrapped her arms around my waist, and I kissed the top of her head. "I heard that bitch Paige was bothering you." She laughed, twirling a piece of her curled hair. "Aidan told me all about it, what a little whore." I faked a laugh, not wanting to show that I actually felt bad. "Yeah, i guess." "Well, I know how we can get her back." My eyes widen, what the hell did she mean? "What do you mean get her back." I let go of her, stepping back to give her room to talk. "That little bitch has no right coming near you and asking shit, so I say we give her payback for what she did." Oh shit, this was not gonna end well. "What are you planning on doing?" Kati came closer to my ear, whispering the plan. I began to shake. "Are-are you sure? that's really mean." She smirked, pure revenge crossed her expression. "Oh, I'm sure. Come on, let's go tell the others!" With that, me and Kati walked off.


The rest of the day was a blur. I couldn't focus in many classes, because I was too upset. At lunch, I didn't even bother going into the lunchroom, I sat outside. Ava was probably looking for me, but I didn't care, I just wanted to be alone. At the end of the day, I head to my locker to get my backpack. Thomas's locker was 6 lockers away from mine. I quickly walked past him while his back was to me. I grab my backpack from my locker, then locking it shut once more. I could feel eyes staring at me, I looked to the right and saw that they were Thomas's. His black backpack hung on only one shoulder, his other hand was stuffed in his pocket. He looked sad, like he actually felt bad for what he did this morning. I doubt it, in fact, I'm not even going to stay put and see what he does. I turn away from him, and begin walking out the school doors. "Paige wait!" I hear Thomas shout through the madness of teens pushing past one another trying to get to their rides. I try and pretend to not hear him, but that doesn't stop him. I soon feel a hand on my shoulder, I whip around to see Thomas standing there. I roll my eyes, taking a few steps back. "What do you want, Thomas?" He looks down, fiddling with his hands. I got to admit, when he's nervous he's adorable, there is no changing that. "I-I just wanted to say, I'm sorry for being such a jerk earlier, I lost my temper and it got the best of me, I'm sorry." I was surprised, I wasn't expecting that big of an apology. I shook my head, I wasn't ready to forgive him yet. I turned to walk away when he spoke again. "Please Paige, I really am sorry, I screwed up, and I feel like such an ass. Please, I wanna make this right."


I turn back around to face him, he had tears in his dark brown eyes. I knew right then, he actually meant it when he said he was sorry.. I sighed, "Alright, I forgive you." The tears clear from his eyes and he gives a small smile. "I'm glad." I pulled my phone out from my pocket, to see that Ava texted me.
Ava: Wanna meet at the library to talk about it, and do some homework?
Me: Sure, I'll see you in a bit.

I stuff my phone back in my pocket, then look up to face Thomas once again. "Hey I gotta go, I'm meeting your sister at the Library." "No problem, I have to go to, bye Paige." He turned around, heading towards the parking lot where his motorcycle was parked. He gave one last little smile before starting up the engine, and zooming off. Man, was he hot on a motorcycle.



I drive me and Kati over to my house and park the car. Kati points at the house next to mine. "Isn't that Paige's house?" I nod in return, afraid to speak. She smirks, and I know what she's thinking. Revenge. "Perfect." "Kati, what are you-" "I'm not gonna do it, you are. Seems like no one is home, perfect time for you to do it." I sigh, opening the car door, getting out. "Remember what you have to do." I roll my eyes, not letting her see them. "Yes, I know. I'll be back soon." I run to my garage, grabbing a latter. Then I run up to the side of Paige's house, where her bedroom window is a few feet above me. I start climbing the latter, getting closer and closer to her room as I continue to climb. I use the toothpick Kati gave me to pick the lock on her window. It opens right away, and I step inside her room. It smells like her, kind of a mix between roses and mint. I like it. I make my way to her nightstand where I think her diary would be. I rummage through it until I find a little book that reads "Paige's Secrets." This must be it. I make my way back to the window when I near a car pull up. Shit. I peek out her window to see that Kati had made a beeline for the back seat.  Then I see a car parked on Paige's driveway, the doors swing open, and I see my sister and Paige. They haven't noticed the latter, good. I see my sister run across the lawn, and head inside our house. I hear the front door open and close, and I know immediately, it's Paige.


I don't have time to climb down the latter by the time she's up in her room. So I make a run for her closet, quietly shutting the door behind me. I hear her bedroom door open and shut. Then I see Paige, she threw her backpack by her bed and is taking off her hoodie. I never noticed before, but she's really pretty. Like, really really pretty. Her light brown hair hangs lose over her shoulders, and her ocean blue eyes sparkle in the sun's reflection. She turns towards her closet, about to hang up her hoodie. Fuck. I squeeze myself against the wall as much as I can, hoping she will not see me, but I know she will. I'm doomed. "Paige, get down here now!" I hear a man's voice say. I cringe at his booming, demanding voice. She throws her hoodie on the bed, then heads downstairs. Funny, I didn't hear or see another car parked here. Her dad, I'm guessing, sure does not pay attention when someone is breaking through her daughters window. I quietly, but quickly, make my way to the window once again. I see Kati looking at me and I give her a thumbs up, as I re-lock her window, and climb down the latter. I fold it up, and run at a quick pace to my garage to put it away. When I hop into the drivers seat, Kati is smirking once more. "Let me see it." She holds out her hand, as I place the diary in it. She reads through everything, her smile growing bigger. "This is perfect. I can't wait to let everyone know the truth about Paige Johnson. To my house we go." I start the car engine, guilt threatening to eat away inside me, and I drive towards the direction of Kati's house.

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