Chapter 16

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4 weeks later:
I finish grabbing my books from my locker when I feel two arms wrap around my waist. I look up to see Thomas smiling down at me, I kiss him on the nose. "I wanna ask you something." "Well hello to you too!" I smirk. Thomas chuckles. "Halloween is in 3 days, and Aidan invited both of us to his big annual Halloween party at his house. The whole school pretty much goes and everyone says it's always really fun, you wanna go?" "Yeah he does one every year." I tell Thomas, "But of course I've never been to it. Let me guess Kati is going too?"
The smile disappears off his face. "Yeah she is. You wanna do something else then?" I ponder the thought for a moment. This could very well be the only chance I'm ever invited to a party like this, since high school is almost over. I can easily ignore Kati and just hang with Thomas and his friends. "No, let's go to the party." I smile, shaking off the fear of my decision. Thomas grins. "Ok great! Make sure to have your sexy Alice And Wonderland  costume ready." I laugh, flashing him a tiny smirk. "Only if you have your handsome mad hatter costume ready." We had gone to the Halloween store last weekend and picked them out. "Deal."

I finish putting on the finishing touches of my mascara and foundation. I open up my bottom left drawer, grab my curling iron, and plug it into the wall. I curl the ends of my hair as I smile at myself in the mirror with my Alice dress on. For once, I feel like I truly matter, that I'm not really a nobody. Maybe life does have its perks. After curling my ends, I unplug my curling iron once more, and head to my closet for my white flats. After putting them on I grab my purse and head for my bedroom door when my phone buzzes.
Thomas: Hey, are ya ready?
Me: Heading out the door now, I'll meet you outside.
Thomas: okay
I walk quietly down the stairs aware that my dad is just down there, asleep on the couch.  His head is resting on the far right side of the couch, facing away from me. He was drunk, I could smell the alcohol on his cloths and breath as he breathed in and out. I quickly but quietly open and close the door behind me, and walk to the end of my driveway where Thomas is already there waiting for me. He had on his mad hatter costume. A mad hatter brown jacket with a white shirt underneath, and a blue and white pooka dot bow tie. His slacks and dress shoes made it extra classy, but what really did it was the top hat covering up his blonde messy hair. "Well you certainly look handsome." I laugh, looking at him from head to toe. "And you look beautiful Paige." I blush. "But, there's just one thing missing."

I crease my forehead in confusion. "What?" Thomas reaches into his deep side pocket, taking out my Alice And Wonderland headband with a bow on it. "You left this at my house the other day." "Oh yeah I was wondering where that went!" I reach my hand out to take it from him but he pulls away. "Allow me to put it on for you." He turns me around so I'm facing the street, and I feel him place the headband on my head. He turns me back around and steps back, as if he's just finished creating a masterpiece. "Now, you are complete. And absolutely the most beautiful girl I've ever laid eyes on." I look at him and roll my eyes, shaking my head. "Shut up." I kid.

We pull on to the side of Aidan's house 10 minutes after the party has been going on. There must be about 50 cars just on this block, who knows how many more down the road a ways. Thomas helps me out of the car and intertwines his hand with mine as we walk up the driveway, to the front door. I could feel and hear the vibration of the music just beyond these doors. And what lay inside remained a mystery until someone opened the door. "Shit." Thomas muttered. "What?" "It's too bloody loud for anyone to hear. We'll have to crash this one." He winks. I return his wink with a small, nervous smile. "Good enough for me." Thomas slowly opens up the door which is unlocked, and we step inside, entering the madness. Thomas closes the door behind us and faces me. "Aidan just texted me that he and the others are in the kitchen. So do you want something to drink?" Thomas shouts above the full volumed music.

"Sure, but I'll go with you." I reply back, in fear that if he goes by himself I won't know where he is later. I follow Thomas down the long hallway that leads to the kitchen, dancing bodies bumping into me as I walk. We enter the kitchen, immediately greeted by Aidan who is dressed up as Prince Charming. "Hey! Glad you guys came. Soda and punch are over on the counter. If you want water, you can get it from the fridge." Aidan says, pointing in the two directions where the refreshments are. Me and Thomas smile at Aidan, replying with a thank you. "What do you want to drink?" Thomas asks me, putting a hand on my back. "Punch please." "Ok love, I'll be right back." I watch him walk over to the punch bowl, immediately getting greeted with about five friends.

"So Paige." I turn to the right to see Aidan standing next to me. "Hey Aidan, thanks for inviting me! It's been fun so far!" "Hey no problem, you wanna see something I've been making for Thomas's birthday? I knows it's not for a few months but I'm putting lots of thought into it. I just want your input." The question seems odd, considering he's at his own party with loads of people to talk to other than me. I look back at Thomas who has completely forgotten the memo of getting us punch, and is playfully hitting the group of his friends. I turn back to Aidan. "Sure what the hell." "Ok awesome! It's in the office, follow me." Aidan leads me down the long hallway I had entered the kitchen before, but turns the first right. Right when we turn, I knew I had made the wrong decision to follow him. We weren't heading towards an office, instead we were standing in front of a bathroom. And standing to the sides of the bathroom, were Kati and Madison.

"The bitch actually listened to you!" Kati laughed. "She's so gullible!" Madison flicked on the bathroom lights, and before I had time to react, I felt two hands shove me inside the bathroom. I fell into the bathroom landing right on the side of the bathtub. I look up with tears streaming down my face to see Kati and Madison laughing at me from outside the doorway. "Have fun in there Paige! Let's see what Thomas thinks of you after tonight's episode!" Episode? What the hell were those two talking about? I don't have the courage to get up or speak, I'm too ashamed. Instead I bring my knees up to my chest, and rock back and forth looking at the bathroom floor.
A few seconds later I hear a door quietly close shut, and then a click indicating that the door is now locked. I look up to see Aidan, smirking down at me. He must of been the one who pushed me into the bathroom, what an asshole. He brings himself down to sit on his knees, and moves his body close to mine which causes me to press hard against the bathtub. "Aidan, what the fuck is this? What hell are you doing?" I shout at him, trying to get up but he presses me back down again. Aidan quickly takes off the top part of his costume and throws it to the side. He turns back to me with a sinister smirk. "Payback."

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