Chapter 4

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"The Boy Next Door"
My alarm woke me up at 6:30 am. It was the first day of my senior year in high school, summer was now over. Finally! I get up, grab a purple tank top and black shorts and go into my bathroom to get dressed.

I come out of the bathroom and head to my mirror, pulling my hair back into a high ponytail. I glanced over at Thomas's room, he wasn't in there. I looked down at their driveway and saw him, his sister, and mom, get into a Toyota and drive down the street. I walk quietly passed my dad's room, he was not in it. So I quietly walked downstairs with my backpack. My dad was not downstairs either. Whatever, he probably crashed at his buddies house when he was out getting drunk last night. "Good", I mumbled, I don't wanna face him anyways. I walked out to my Jeep and finally get a look at the weather outside. Humid and warm, well that's Flordia for you. I get into my Jeep, started my engine, and drive off to school.


I walked out of the school office with my schedule in my hand. I decided to go find my first class, so I started walking towards the hallway. My phone buzzed, it was my dad. What the fuck does he want now? I think. I read the message, it says for me to go get him some more beer after school. Fucking figures! I roll my eyes and go to put my phone away in my bag. As I'm putting my phone away, I run into someone, knocking their books onto the floor in the middle of the hallway. Embarrassed, I bend over to help the person pick up the books I made them drop. "I'm so sorry!" I say, standing back up and turning to face the person, the person was Thomas, holy shit! "It's al-" he stops mid-sentence when he sees me. "It's-its okay", he's stuttering, which I find really cute. He goes to rub the back of his neck and looks down at the floor. I was shocked, shocked to see that he's now going to my school. "I didn't know your going here now?" "Yeah, me and my sister both are", he gestures to someone from behind me. Someone giggles "Hey, don't mind Thomas, he gets shy." I turn around to see the same girl who got in the car with Thomas this morning. The girl smiles at me, "Names Ava!" "I'm Paige." I smile. "We just moved here from England a few days ago", Ava says, looking at Thomas, then me. "Thomas was the one to help me with the groceries, thank you by the way", I smile at Thomas, who returns the smile with a simple nod. "Well, I'm going to go find my class, Ava do you want to come?" Thomas asked, looking at Ava. "Sure, nice meeting you Paige." I smile back at her and wave to Thomas. He waves back, and him and Ava walk away.


What the hell? Thomas seemed much nicer that day when he helped me pick the food up. What was with him now? Then the way he took Ava and walked away from me so fast, like he was trying hide from a crime scene. Wait a minute, could it be that he likes me? No! What the fuck, we don't even know each other that well, stop thinking like that! My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the bell, telling us to get to class. I look down at my schedule still in my hands. English, classroom B4, is my first class of the day. When I walk into that class, I am pissed to find Kati. Kati is the hot blonde slut of the school, that all the boys "fall" for. She's in the back with the rest of her slut-bound friends. They all eye me, and give me filthy looks when I pass them. "Ugly bitch," one of Kati's friends mutter, I hear Kati giggle. I roll my eyes, and sit in the middle of the room, away from them. This senior year is already turning into hell.

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