Chapter 15

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The Boy Next Door (Chapter 15)

After school I drive back home to start getting ready for the amusement park tonight. My dad is not home because he left for a party at this club a few hours ago. Knowing my dad, he'll be gone all night. I run up the stairs, and close my bedroom door behind me. I run over to my dresser drawers and pull out a red tank top and jeans. Then I run over to my closet, and pull out my knitted cardigan to complete the outfit. After I finish getting dressed, I run into the bathroom to curl a few more curls into my hair. As I'm putting on my converse, my phone buzzes.

Thomas: Hey, open up your window.
I glance out my window to see Thomas waving his hands clearly wanting my attention. I open up the window getting hit with an October breeze. An orange leaf falls into my room, gently landing on my beige carpet below. "Yes Thomas?" I ask, smirking. "Do I look good?" He asks, mocking my smirk which causes me to giggle. "Yes, you look wonderful." I roll my eyes, simply because he's wearing the same usual outfit he always does. Thomas smiles, "Well I may look wonderful, but you look stunning." My face gets hot as a huge grin wipes across my face, I open my mouth to respond but Thomas beats me to it. "Your dads not home, is he?" I shake my head no. "Well then, do you want me to come over there and get you?" "Yeah sure, I'll be downstairs in a few minutes." "Paige you don't get it, I wanna escort you downstairs and out the door." He says grinning. "Thomas, you don't hav-" "Well I'm going to, is the front door unlocked?" I nod back yes. "I'll be up in a few then!" "Ok." I say, then close the window.

A couple minutes later, a knock sounds from my door. I open it to find Thomas's sparkling brown eyes, stare back at me. "Ready love?" I smile and take his hand, "Ready as I'll ever be." He runs down the driveway and opens up the passenger's door before I'm even halfway down. "Hey this is my car, shouldn't I be driving?" I ask him with raised eyebrows. "Nope." Thomas says shaking his head, "Because I'm escorting you, remember?" "Aw!" I smile and hand him my keys, "Ok fine, but be careful." "Don't worry love, it'll be fine." After we are both settled in my car, Thomas puts the key in the ignition, and we head out.

What about your family car?" I ask him. We are on the main road now, about halfway there. "My mom and Ava went to the movies." "Well what about your motorcycle?" Thomas chuckles and glances at me from the corner of his eye. "You can't listen to music that well on a motorcycle, now can you?" "Speaking of music." I say. I turn up the radio just as "Photograph" by Ed Sheeran comes to an end. Then to my delight, I smile as I recognize the beat of "The Energy Never Dies" by The Script, start playing on the radio. "Oh my god I love this song!" I grin looking at Thomas, who is grinning back. "The Script right?" He asks. I nod my head as I start belting out the lyrics to the song, as we continue our drive to the amusement park.

We pull into the parking lot of the amusement park about 10 minutes later. As I step out of the car, Thomas hands me a blue slip which reads the name of the amusement park we're at. "That's your ticket to get in." He says, gently intertwining his hand with mine.

After we have given our ticket to the ticket booth lady, we enter the exciting world of the amusement park. "What first?" Thomas shouts through all the talking and the chaos of the people around us. "How about the swings?" I ask, pointing in the direction of where the swings are. "Oh I love those things!" Thomas says grinning. "We had a ton at our amusement parks back in England, let's go!" Me and Thomas run in line for the ride. After waiting a mere of 5 minutes, we enter the ride. "Man this is going to be fun!" Thomas exclaims, while buckling himself next to me on the two seated swing. The swing goes up, and starts rotating in circles around the sky moments after. I sigh, looking at the merged pink and orange sunset.

"God I love the sunset, it's almost like its smiling back at us." "Yeah sure it's pretty." Thomas answers, looking straight forward. But then he turns to me with a bright smile, almost brighter than this sunset. "But it's nothing compared to who I'm sitting next to right now." "Thomas." I say, tearing up. "Are you joking?" "Why would I joke about that?" He asks, furrowing his cute little eyebrows. I don't answer back, instead I lean my head against his shoulder, and remain silent. "Love?" Thomas asks, waiting for an answer. "I know." I say still looking forward. "Good." Thomas whispers. I feel him peck a kiss on the top of my head and I smile, lucky to call him mine. We go through the rest of the ride in pure silence. Blocking out all the rest of the noises around us, hearing nothing but our soft breathing.

After going on a few more rides, we wait in a line to buy ice cream. "I'll have one scoop of chocolate in a cone please." I say, when we've reached the front. Thomas orders the same thing, then gives the cashier the money. "This is so much better than any other night stuck in my room." I say, licking my ice cream. "Your dad doesn't let you do anything, does he?" I stop by a bench and motion for him to sit down, and he does. "The only time I can escape him is when he's passed out on the couch from being drunk, other than that no." Thomas's eyes drop to his lap, "I'm sorry." He whispers. "No no it's ok!" I say, putting a hand on his shoulder. He looks back up at me, and gives me a sad smile. "Hey Paige, I should tell you something." "And what is that?" I ask. Thomas turns to face me, and takes my hand in his. "So," he begins. "The thing with my family is that-" He stops short, and points to something directly behind me with wide eyes. I turn around to look where he's pointing, and that's when I see Kati and Madison, in line for the twister. When they step onto the ride, I notice that she has put her purse down by the side, and an idea pops into my mind.

"Thomas follow me!" I grab his hand and lead him to where Kati's purse is. "Paige, why are you going to do?" I look at him, smirking. "Something cheesy." I take my half finished ice cream cone, and Thomas watches in amazement as I place it upside down in the pocket of her purse. "It's probably designer, too bad!" I smirk, looking at Thomas who has a huge grin on his face. I turn back to the purse, and punch the pocket with the ice cream in it, sending ice cream everywhere. Thomas taps me on the shoulder and I look back up at the ride, which is now coming to a halt. "We gotta go!" Thomas quietly shouts. "Right behind you!" I answer. We both fast-walk the hell out of there, heading towards the car and laughing the entire way.

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