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Johnnie's POV

After I kissed Kyle, I had no idea what to do. He doesn't even like me in that way. "I'm sorry!" I squeak. "I shouldn't have done that!" I say, tears threatening to spill down my face. "You don't even like me in that way." I say, before getting off the couch and running off into our room. Locking the door behind me.

I flop down on my bed and cry into my pillow. Why did I have to do that? He doesn't like me in that way! Fuck, he's probably mad at me now and this probably ruined our friendship.

Sure we play along with the Kohnnie stuff that the fans made up, but it never meant anything. It was all for the fans. But now, that kiss wasn't for the fans. It was me being fucking stupid and kissing Kyle when I shouldn't have done that.

"Johnnie, please open the door." I hear Kyle sigh, as he knocks on our bedroom door. "We need to talk." He sighs, as he tries to get the door open. "Johnnie please. Open up."

I don't make any move to unlock the door though. I just stay laying here on my bed, crying into my pillow.

I'm not sure how much time had passed, when I heard Kyle walk away from the door. I should probably go out there and talk to him about all of this, but. What if he tells me he hates me for doing that? What if this does ruin our friendship and he wants to move out?

But there could be a chance he's cool with it, and does like me more than a friend. But that's not likely. He'll think I'm a disgusting faggot and not want to talk to me anymore.

Fuck my life!


Sighing, I unlock my bedroom door and walk down the hall slowly to find Kyle just sitting against the wall on one side of the living. room with a few empty cans of Peace Tea around him, and he was holding a full one in his hand. (I feel as though Kyle may actually do something like that tbh ~ Jo)

I walk into the kitchen, over to the fridge and grab myself a can of Peace Tea, before walking over to Kyle and sitting down in front of him.

He looks over at me as I sit in front of him, looking at the floor between us. "K-Kyle." I start. "I'm sorry about the kiss." I say quietly. "I shouldn't have done that, and I shouldn't have run off." I say.

Kyle doesn't say anything, and I look up to see that it seemed as though he was contemplating something. He then placed his can off Peace Tea to the side, and also taking mine from me and placing it near his.

He then pulls me closer to him, and wraps his arms round me, before pressing his lips to mine. I hesitate for a few seconds, before I eventually kiss him back and wrap my arms round his neck, pulling him closer to me.

We pull away after awhile, our breathing slightly heavy as we just stare at one another. "Johnnie, I think I'm falling for you." Kyle says. I smile, a slight blush rising on my cheeks. "I think I'm falling for you too." I say.

He smiles at me, before engulfing me in a tight hug. I rest my head on his shoulder as we stay together in each other's embrace. Kyle likes me more than a friend. I don't need to worry about this ruining our friendship.

But, how long will it last?

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