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Johnnie's POV

What Kyle and Alex are asking me to do, is just crazy. Me? Pregnant? Really? Though, actually they do raise a rather good argument, I mean what's wrong with me sure isn't just some stomach bug, but really? Pregnant?

I know guys can get pregnant and all, but I just can't imagine myself actually being pregnant, but I could be, which would explain almost everything that's going on with me, maybe I should take the pregnancy test.

"Please, Johnnie." Kyle sighs. "Just take a pregnancy test, and we can see if you are or not."

Sighing, I nod my head, what harm could it really do to just take the damn test and see if I am anyway? "Fine." I sigh. "I'll take a pregnancy test."

Looking over at Alex as she digs through her bag for something, I can't help but think that Kyle had called her last night about this, and for her to buy a pregnancy test for me, which I guess is a good thing so Kyle and I don't need to go to the store ourselves and go get one.

"Here." Alex says, handing me a new pregnancy test for men. "Go into the bathroom and take the test." She instructs me. "Kyle and I will be out here waiting for you."

Nodding, I stand up, before walking over to the small bathroom on the bus to take the test, and once I'm in the bathroom, I do all that I need to do, before sitting down on the toilet, once I close the lid, and just wait till the test is done.

Honestly, I've no idea what to expect to come out of this, what if I am pregnant, and Kyle leaves me? What will I do then? I can't raise a child on my own, and if I'm being honest, I don't really trust Bryan to help me raise a child, maybe Alex would be willing to help me raise the baby if I am pregnant? No, I couldn't possibly put all that pressure on her. I guess the only options I've got for if Kyle leaves me, is either to abort the baby, or put the baby up for adoption, but can I really do that though?

Looking down at the test in my hand once the time is up, my blood runs cold, and the test falls out of my hands and onto the floor, as I feel as though I'm frozen to the spot. No, this can't possibly be happening, there must be some mistake.

I'm brought back to reality after I don't even know how long, by both Alex and Kyle calling out to me, asking if everything's okay or if they need to come in here at all.

I couldn't form any words to tell them the news, but I find the will to stand up, and open the bathroom door, staring at the both of them with the most terrified look I can ever remember having.

I'm pregnant with Kyle's baby, and I don't know what the fuck I'm supposed to do now.

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