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Hello! Long time no see! When the hell was the last time we updated this?! ~ Jo

I just need to sneak into this update and say something that's bugging the shit out of me, I don't like the stat difference between the one on my account (Punkstress_Fuentes) and the one on Jo's (Kellic_Thugpug) at all. Seriously, the one on my account has a shit ton more reads, votes and comments, and I honestly don't find it fair at all. ~ Candy


Johnnie's POV

Its been a few weeks now since Kyle and I, well, you know, and things have been great so far. We've both been giving us dating a go, and it's been absolutely amazing.

What's even better, is that we're heading out to Warped very soon, and I cannot wait! Jordan ended up getting here last week, and Alex had to go back home at the beginning of this week, but we'll be seeing her again when Warped gets to her city.

Suddenly, a weird churning feeling occurred in my stomach, causing me to get up off the hotel bed from where I sat next to Kyle, and run into the bathroom, where I drop to my knees at the toilet bowl and throw up,

I hear Kyle walking up behind me, asking if I'm okay, and even though I'm not sure if I'm even okay, I just tell him that I'm fine and that it must've been something that I ate. He doesn't need to know that this is the third time this week that I've thrown up. He's got no need to worry about me.

Once I'm done throwing up, I stand up, flushing the toilet before walking over to the sink to clean myself up. As I look at myself in the mirror, something didn't seem quite right. Something was different, but I don't know what.

Shaking my head, I mentally tell myself that there's nothing wrong with me, and that I'm imagining things. I mean, why would there be anything wrong with me? I'm perfectly fine!

If only I believed that.


"Johnnie? Are you sure you're okay?" Kyle questions for the millionth time after he caught me throwing up earlier.

Sighing, I nod my head at him. "I'm fine Kyle." I smile slightly as him, as we follow Bryan, Damon and Jordan onto the bus that us YouTubers are staying in during Warped.

He doesn't say anything else, but sticks close to me anyway, seemingly not wanting to let me out if his sight.

After we've put our bags away and made up our beds on our bunks, we go sit together on one of the couches up the front of the bus, and Kyle wraps his arms around me, holding me close to him as I cuddle up against him.

Damon, Jordan and Bryan take no notice of Kyle and I sitting here together, as the three of them were busy talking about who knows what, while Kyle and I were just sitting together on the couch quietly.

Strangely, I'm kinda tired right now though, and I honestly have no idea why. I've actually kinda been rather tired for most of this week now, and I don't have a clue as to why that is.

I'm not coming down with something am I? I don't feel sick at all except for in the mornings, then I'm fine for the rest of the day. Then again, something still feels different somehow, so maybe I am coming down with something?

I don't know, but whatever it may be, I hope it passes soon, so I can go back to my normal self and enjoy Warped without worrying about being sick.

Cause wouldn't being sick during Warped Tour bring the mood down a bit, and just make it less enjoyable?

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