Chapter 5: Daphne and Lexie Sisters

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Lexie texted Daphne"Daph , this boy Luke Joseph Damon.
Daphne texted back"Damon hmmm that's Uncle Jack's last name. Uncle Jack is dad's half brother. Hold on kiddo I will text him."
Daphne texted Jack"Hey uncle  Jack , It's  Daphne  I know it's been a while since we talked but there is a situation."
Jack texwd back" What 's up Daphne?"
Daphne"My half sister Lexie this boy likes her.
His name is Luke Joseph Damon. I was wondering if  he is any relation to you?"
Jack texted back"I think he might be a little cousin of mine. Half sister wait does that mean Kelly has other kids?"
Daphne texted"Yeah Uncle Jack their names are
Lexie, Jackie and Luca. When they were younger Jackie got in a bad accident coming back from a t ball or little league game in Delaware. A few years after leaving Chicago.
I know Dad and Audrey both blame themselves for what happened.  Jackie is alive but has epilepsy.  Thanks for the information Uncle Jack corresponded"Alright Daph don't leave them alone  Luke can be a bit of a trouble maker. He dosn't realize she  is my older half brother 's daughter. Let me talk to the  little man first."
Daphne corresponded "Alright got it update me when you have talked to him. Bye for now Uncle Jack."
Jack corresponded back"Daphne I will always help when I can.  I will also tell your Dad."
Daphne corresponded with Lexie.
"Uncle Jack told me Luke is his little cousin.
Proceed with caution until he gives me an update after they talk. Do not  talk to him.
He dosn't realize you are his cousin's half brother's daughter."
Lexie wrote back"Eww he's our Dad's half brother's little cousin gross. It makes me feel kind of sick.  Daph , I'm so glad I avoided that one.  I hope he finds some one else."
Daphne corresponded back"Lexie, Have you ever overheard Luke with anyone?"
Lexie returned the sentiment.
"Daphne , I heard some guys say he was with
an autistic girl I'm friends with named Amaya
Asajj Tabusadani."
Daphne corresponded back "Lexie this is not right. We have to stop him before she gets pregnant."
Jack wrote back"Daph , I just talked to Luke
he also likes this Amaya girl. I think he might not hold back. I hope  he listens to us."

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