oc description

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Name: Issac

School label: shy mouse

Age: 17

Personality: shy, sweet, kind, caring, nervous, cute, adorable, cuddly, tired(sometimes), sleepy, embarrassed, flustered, insecure, unsure, aware, little anxious, scared easily

School year: freshman

Major: music and art

Likes: his boyfriends, music, playing/making music, art, drawing, manga, anime, body pillows, his stuffed animals, video games, cute boys, cuddles, sweets, junk foods, cute and fluffy things, colorful fish

Dislikes: bullies, mean people, scary things, horror movies, spiders, embarrassing himself, getting uncomfortable, being self-conscious, dark places, feeling sad or hurt, feeling not good enough, having panic attacks, overworking himself

Appearance: Issac has indigo violet hair and purple eyes. He wears a pastel blue t-shirt with a blueberry cow on it, light gray sweatpants, a fluffy white hoodie, and lilac sneakers with blue and pink highlights. 

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