Track 10

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Vincent was walking out the door, drinking coffee when Kevin appeared saying 'hi' to him. He chokes on his coffee drink, nearly splashing it and runs to the hallway, leaving Kevin confused. 

The second time when Kevin said 'hi' to Vincent again, Vincent runs past by him, ignoring him. 

And the third time when Kevin talks to Vincent again, he hides his face with a towel on his head. Ever since then, Kevin was worried that he might did something wrong.


Vincent was drinking his coffee as he walked outside, when suddenly Kevin appears. Vincent chokes on his drink, nearly splashing it and ran to the hallways and hid by the wall.

"Omg, did he see that..." Vincent exclaimed, with an embarrassed blush on his face.

The second time when Vincent rushed past by Kevin, ignoring him in the process.

'Aarghhh, I didn't have time to put my make-up on... I'm just gonna pretend I don't see him...' Vincent thought.

Then the third time when Vincent has a towel on his head, hiding from Kevin as he tried to speak to him.

'F***in bad hair day... of all days???' Vincent thought as he hides his bad hair.

"Aaah!!!" Vincent exclaimed.

Kevin has a confused look when he sees Vincent hiding in the towel.

"Why do I keep embarrassing myself around him..." Vincent sighs.

Both Kevin and Vincent are pondering the same question about each other.

"Ah... does he not like me...?" Kevin pondered to himself.

"He probably thinks I look dumb..." Vincent muttered to himself.


Issac was trying to walk to class without for once getting bumped into by someone or get hit in the head by something. Unfortunately, the universe decided not to be on your side once more, but there's third times the charm when luck came around.

A blonde haired male crashed into Issac, but avoided soaking the outfit he was wearing that day. He was surprised by that since the drink that the prep almost spilled on him was actually hot coffee.

Issac looked and turned to face him, making eye contact. The prep flinched in his spot and bowed down.

"I am so sorry!" The prep cried out.

"N-No no, you're fine! The drink didn't spill on me." Issac reassures.

Just as the prep was about to open his mouth to say something, he saw Kevin turning the corner. The prep then ran away from his spot, leaving a confused Issac. Issac then saw Kevin with the disappointed look on his face as he saw the prep walking away.

Issac was still practicing on how to respond to sad emotions, but then remembering what Felix did when Issac was sleeping on Felix's lap.

He reached his hand up to Kevin's head, petting his hair, shocking him. Kevin jumped back in his spot, having a blush on his face and having his arms around his face as he looked at small and cute male. Issac dropped his hand to his side and looking down at the ground.

"I-I-I'm sorry" Issac whispered to Kevin.

Kevin then grabbed Issac's hands, catching his attention.

"N-No don't worry! You didn't do anything bad!" Kevin said, looking into Issac's beautiful purple eyes.

Issac looked into Kevin's eyes, a blush on his face as he was looking at Kevin's hands that were holding Issac's. Kevin looked at Issac for a few seconds, then noticed how close he pulled his body to Issac's. Then, looking at the hands that were clasped together, he then started blushing a dark red.

"I-I'm so sorry! I must've made you uncomfortable." Kevin said, letting go of Issac's hands.

Kevin rubbed the back of his nape, having a sheepish smile on his face. Issac then reached over to Kevin's hand and held it, liking how it felt for a few seconds. Once he realized what he did, he broke out into a darker blush.

"Uhh... I-I'll see you later then! Bye!" Issac exclaimed and walked the other way.

Kevin watched Issac's figure as it disappeared into the campus. Chuckling to himself when he saw Issac's bright red ears.

'Cute.' Kevin thought.

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