Track 27

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The five boys are now at the amusement park for their first date for their polyamorous relationship.

"Alright gays, where we dropping?" Felix asked, looking at Kevin who was holding the map.

Issac was looking over Kevin's shoulder and trying to find a place to go.

"Hold on, I'm not about to have an amusement park date without some cotton candy." Vincent told them, pointing at the cotton candy stand.

"Ooh! I want some too!" Adrian said.

Vincent was now holding his pink cotton candy, having a smile on his face.

"That's more like it." Vincent said.

Then Felix took a bite from the side of the cotton candy.

"Yo wtf!!!" Vincent exclaimed, looking at Felix eating the cotton candy.

"Wow, sooooo stingy... why don't you take it back then?" Felix asked, having a smirk on his face, and having a bit of the cotton candy on his mouth.

"Ugh... Fine!" Vincent said, going up to Felix and kissing him and taking the cotton candy.

The three of them were looking at the two that were currently kissing, while Issac and Adrian took a bite of the blue cotton candy and Kevin for a second forgetting that he was now in a poly-relationship.

Vincent also seemed to have forgotten for a second and started blushing badly, while Felix stood next to him, dazed since he wasn't expecting to get a kiss out of it.

"Alright lovebirds, we still need to choose where to go first." Kevin said, once again looking at the map.

Issac was looking over Kevin's shoulder and looking at the map. Then getting a better view, when Kevin squatted down to let the shorter boy get a view. Felix then came from behind and squatted to look at the map too.

"Hmm... how about the haunted house?" Felix asked.

"Sure! You guys don't mind that?" Kevin asked the others.

"I mean, why not? We got a strong, big boy to protect us after all..." Felix said, looking away from Kevin.

Felix then turned around to see Kevin with Vincent and Adrian clinging onto his arms. Issac jumped onto Kevin's back who was very scared because he hates scary places like haunted houses. Felix had a confused face as his boyfriends were now clinging onto Kevin.


The five boys arrived at the haunted house right by the waiting line.

"We're entering as a group please." Felix said, looking at the male employee that was in front of them.

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