Track 34

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Adrian was looking around the area in the library, not looking where he was going, and bumped into someone's back.

"Umph!" Adrian said as he was bumped.

"Oh...!" Vincent said, while turning around and facing Adrian.

"Ehehe, fancy seeing you here! What are you up to?" Adrian asked, having his flirting mode up.

"Eh, you know me, hitting the books n' all..." Vincent said, having a check mark shape with his hand under his chin.

Then Vincent was getting silenced by the librarian.

"Ah, s-sorry miss, we'll be quieter. C'mon, let's go somewhere else..." Vincent said, grabbing Adrian's wrist.


Vincent and Adrian are now on the third floor of the library

"We should be okay here on the third floor..." Vincent said, while he was looking around the bookshelves.

"This part of the library is usually pretty empty... We won't bother anyone here." Vincent explained, turning around and facing Adrian.

"Wow, sounds like you know your way around here! I didn't know you're the studious type." Adrian said, looking at Vincent with a smile.

"Well, not really of my own volition. My parents expect a lot from me, and I have to maintain a high GPA." Vincent explained, having a slight annoyed look on his face.

"Ah——? That sounds tough..." Adrian said, looking at Vincent.

"How about you though?" Vincent asked, turning and facing Adrian.

"M-Me?" Adrian stuttered.

"Yeah, you're taking two majors, right? That's gotta be pretty hard." Vincent said.

"O-Oh! Well, I took two majors on my prerogative, so it's all on me... sometimes the schedules clash... I missed out on one class and I have no idea what to do for my exams next week!" Adrian said, kind of venting.

"N-Not to mention, head empty only vidya gamez..." Adrian said.

"Well, that's college for ya. You miss one class, and suddenly you're way out of the loop." Vincent explained, while grabbing the notebook from his boyfriend's hands.

"Though I know someone who never shows up to class and they do just fine..." Vincent said, while thinking of a certain ebony haired male.

"Anyway! You said your exams are in a week right? C'mon, I'll help you study." Vincent said, looking at Adrian once more, having a smile.

"I-Is that okay? Do I have to pay?" Adrian asked.

"No need, silly... I'm your boyfriend..." Vincent said.

In the end, neither of them got any studying, but instead flirting with each other.

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