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???: ...

???: "Hello there."

???: "..."

???: "What's going on?"

???: "...!"

???: "Why are you-"

???: "Goodbye."




Bella: ...

Bella: I woke up, refreshed after what happened yesterday. I decided to go to the dining hall. Niko and Charly weren't there, although I kinda expected that. Irani, Tikei and Zaque weren't there as well. They were probably also recovering from the fight. And of course, Niekkei wasn't there either. It feels so empty without all of them. We had breakfast and then we split up. I think I'm going to hang out with Tsuzaki right now. "Hello Tsuzaki."

Tsuzaki: "What do you want?"

Bella: Hang out with Tsuzaki?

Tsuzaki: Sigh "If I don't have a choice..."

Bella: I tried to talk with Tsuzaki as we barely tried. Would you like to give Tsuzaki a present?

>Silk String
(The highest quality silk string out there. It'll make any musician or puppeteer happy.)

Tsuzaki: "...Thanks..." He seems really happy.

FTE Start!

Bella: "So Tsuzaki?"

Tsuzaki: "What?"

Bella: "Why don't you like to talk to anyone?"

Tsuzaki: "Because I don't like anyone."

Bella: "...And why's that?"

Tsuzaki: "Everyone here is either to annoying, to eccentric, to loud, or any/all of the above."

Bella: "Well I'm sure if you got to know them more, you wouldn't think that."

Tsuzaki: "I have no motivation or reason to even want to do that, let alone actually doing it.

Bella: "Well you have to have some friends."

Tsuzaki: "And why the fuck would that be?"

Bella: "Because some people here want to be your friend."

Tsuzaki: "And whomst the fuck would that be?"

Bella: "Me for one."

Tsuzaki: "Ok, and?"

Bella: "Well, it's not good for you to not have any friends."

Tsuzaki: "I don't need friends, they disappoint me."

Bella: "Ugh-can you at least try to comply with me?!"

Tsuzaki: "You're wanting me to do something that I've been against since 3rd grade."

Bella: "Ah, now we're getting somewhere, so what happened in 3rd grade that made you not want any friends?"

Tsuzaki: "Wh-fuck you." He walked off.

Bella: I think despite that, we grew a little closer today. Who should I hang out next? I'm going to hang out with Xaviarie. "Hello."

Xaviarie: "Why hello there."

Bella: Would you like to hang out with Xaviarie?

Xaviarie: "If you would like to."

Bella: Xaviarie and I talked to each other about some things. Would you like to give Xaviarie a gift?

(A standard notepad, typically used to write things down so they can be remembered later. It has a green cover.)

Xaviarie: "Thank you." He seems really happy.

FTE Start!

Bella: "What's it like having a sibling?"

Xaviarie: "It's nice. Yeah, you might fight sometimes and yeah, they can be a pain sometimes, but in the end you make up. It's also nice to have someone to talk to."

Bella: "That sounds good. I'm an only child."

Xaviarie: "I see, why'd you bring it up?"

Bella: "Well, I kinda envy you two, being able to have someone that you can talk to and someone you really know."

Xaviarie: "I mean, you have Irani right?"

Bella: "I know, but it's not the same as having a part of your family with you to be able to get through this with."

Xaviarie: "True."

Bella: "Do you have any other siblings?"

Xaviarie: "Yes actually. His name is Zako. Hopefully he's doing fine, although Medakai should be taking care of him."

Bella: "Who's that?"

Xaviarie: "Well, to be able to answer that, I'd have to tell you about something else and I refuse to acknowledge that time and anything to do with it other than my brothers."

Bella: "I see..."

Xaviarie: "What I can tell you is that she's kind of like his caretaker."

Bella: "Ok."

Xaviarie: "I can only hope they're ok."

Bella: We talked a little more after that. I think we grew a little closer today. After that, we parted ways. I think there's still more time to-

Rex: "Hey Bella."

Bella: "ACK! Oh, it's just you, hi."

Rex: "Ok, one, did I really scare you that much, two, what does that mean?"

Bella: "Nothing, anyway, did you need something?"

Rex: "Yeah, let's meet up after dinner, I want to tell you something."

Bella: "Should I just follow you once dinner is over?"

Rex: "Sure!"

Bella: "Ok, will do."

Rex: "Thanks, see ya."

Bella: "Goodbye." Now that that's done, there should still be more time until dinner. Who should I hang out with next?

To be Continued...

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