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Bella: I left the classroom and looked through the others. In classroom 1-2 I found a clean knife. I don't know where this could have come from.

Clean Knife has been added to the Truth Bullets section of your MonoSwitch
(Clean Knife: A clean knife found in classroom 1-2. Why was this here?)

Bella: There's nothing left here that's important. I went back to classroom 1-4. I decided to talk to a couple of people about this. "Hey Niko."

Niko: "H-hi Bella."

Bella: "Do you know anything about this case?"

Niko: "Y-yeah, actually. Late l-last night, I was having nightmares, so I went for a walk. B-but while I was there, I saw someone holding a something. I left after that."

Bella: "I see, thanks for telling me."

Niko's Account has been added to the Truth Bullets section of your MonoSwitch
(Niko's account: Niko was sleeping when he was awoken by nightmares. He went out of his room to take a walk and saw someone carrying something he couldn't see. He went back to bed immediately afterwards.)

Bella: I walked over to Exa. "Hey Exa, do you know anything about the case?"

Exa: "I'm not sure if this is very helpful but last night I went to the kitchen to get a snack, when I left, I saw someone carrying a knife. They didn't see me but I saw them. I couldn't tell who it was though."

Bella: "Thank you for telling me this."

Exa: "Of course."

Exa's Account has been added to the Truth Bullets section of your MonoSwitch.
(Exa's account: Exa had woken up to get an apple late at night, apparently he had seen someone pass by when he did. He said they were holding the murder weapon.)

Bella: I went over to MonoYin. "You said that you'd help us right?"

MonoYin: "Yeah, or at least as much as I possible."

Bella: "Sure, anyway, what can you tell me?"

MonoYin: "Hmm..." She thought to herself for a second. "Ah, I know something that should help. Ahem, so, you know the YinYang File?"

Bella: "Um, yeah?"

MonoYin: "Well, I'll tell you something about it. Y'know where it says who found the body?"

Bella: I opened the file on my MonoSwitch. "Yes."

MonoYin: "Well, those three people are who triggered the Body Discovery Announcement, or BDA. Those three people also cannot be the killer. The killer also doesn't trigger the BDA."

Bella: "I see, I see. Thanks." I guess this means I have an alibi. That's nice.

MonoYin's Account has been added to the Truth Bullets section of your MonoSwitch
(MonoYin's account: The three people listed in the YinYang File for finding the body are the people who triggered the Body Discovery Announcement, and also cannot be the killer. This also means that the killer doesn't count towards the BDA.)


MonoYang: "Ok, everyone. It's time for MonoYang's writing tip of the day: 'Get to the elevator or else.' Wait, does that even have anything to do with writing? What am I talking about? Hahaha."

Bella: "Welp, I guess that's it."

Liliac: "That wasn't very long..."

Irani: "Well, I guess that's all we need."

Niko: "Hopefully this doesn't take very long, I'm tired."

Xaviarie: "Niko, now's not the time..."

Niko: "Whatever, I'm stiw tiored..."

Xaviarie: Exasperated sigh

Comet: "Anyway, the elevator right, let's go."

Bella: We all went to the elevator. "Hey, where's Niekkei?"

MonoYang: "Unfortunately, due to his injuries, we found it unfit for him to participate in this trial."

MonoYin: "H-however, we predict that once the trial is over, he should be ready to return to you all."

MonoYang: "Of course though, should you fail to win the trial, he shall face the same punishment as everyone else."

Melodia: "P-punishment?"

MonoYang: "I'll explain during the trial."

MonoYin: "A-anyway, everyone inside."

Bella: Everyone, including MonoYin and MonoYang entered the elevator. MonoYin pressed a button that wasn't previously on there. A button that read: "Trial" Once she did, the elevator went down. It seems everyone was off in their own side-conversation with someone else. I went over to Irani. "Hey Irani."

Irani: "Hello Bella."

Bella: "Irani, I want you to know that no matter what happens in this trial, I will always support you. Even if we go out of this with you as the culprit, I will still believe in you. As your best friend and as your childhood friend, I promise."

Irani: "...Thank you, that makes me feel a little better about this. I will do the same. Best friends until the end."

Bella: "Yep!" After that, the elevator stopped with a clang,


Bella: and the doors opened.

MonoYang: "Ok, everyone, please go to your podiums where your name is listed."

MonoYin: "Please."

Bella: We did as we were told.


MonoYang: "Great, ok, the class trial starts soon."

Bella: This is it. We have to do this. We have to go through this. Whatever awaits the loser of this, we know not yet. However, we shall still try our best. For Kaisey, who was unfairly executed, and for Charly, who was murdered by someone. Someone here. Someone killed him. And we have to find out who. In this trial. A trial of love. A trial of hate. A trial of fantasies. A trial of reality. A trial of success. A trial of failure. A trial, the class trial.

To be Continued...

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