Chapter 4

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Lucifer was so tired he couldn't open his eyes. When did he fall asleep? He opened one eye, just to see where he was. He was- on top of Alastor?!? Lucifer froze. He could hear Alastor's breathing coordinating with his steady heart beat, almost like music. It was almost...relaxing. Alastor started to wake up and relizied Lucifer was on top of him. He quickly pushed him off. Lucifer instantly shot back onto the hard floor. "Ow! What the fuck?!" He yelled as a pain shot through his head. "WHAT WERE YOU DOING ON TOP OF ME?" "I don't fuckin kno-" Lucifer suddenly turned a shade of gold. Surely they didn't- had they? He couldn't remember clearly, but he was pretty sure one of them brought alcohol. "Lucifer? Lucifer!" He suddenly snapped back to reality. Alastor was calling his name. "What? What happened last night?" Alastor asked. "I-don't know..." Lucifer mumbled trying to recall anything. Suddenly they heard a knock at the door. "Lucifer? Alasto-" Husk walked into the room with a shocked expression on her face. " I interrupting something?" He asked uncomfortably. "Wha-" Lucifer realized he was still shirtless. Lucifer and Alastors face became flustered and Alastor made a radio screeching noise. "Satan no!" Lucifer said.  his face was a bright gold. "Then why--ya-know what, it's fine. Just come downstairs when you're done with...whatever this is." Husk closed the door and left, leaving them both flustered. "He actually thinks we-" Lucifer's thoughs were interruptedby Alastor yelling at him."This is your fucking fault!" Alastor shouted. "MY fault?!? How is this my fault?!?" Lucifer retorted. "Your the one who took your shirt off!" "Well I'm pretty sure YOU got us drunk!" "Well I didn't fall asleep on top of you!" "Well then maybe we shouldn't have been having this much fun in the first place!" Alastor raised an eyebrow as Lucifer covered his mouth, instantly regretting what he said. "Fun? You" Pink spread across Alastor's face as gold spread across Lucifers. They just sat there silent for a moment. "*Ahem* We should...probably go downstairs now" Alastor said as he looked away from him. What was happening to him? Lucifer immediately looked away as well. He just grabbed his shirt and put it on. Alastor walked out of the room and Lucifer quickly followed.

They both arrived in the living room to see everyone staring at them. "So... how did you and strawberry pimp's little sleepover go?" Angel asked with a smirk. "It went fine-" "How fine?" Angel said as he raised an eyebrow. Alastor made static noises as his antlers grew. "ÄŊĞĘŁ" Alastor growled. Angel raised two of his arms. "Just askin." "Ok, lets simmer down a bit." Charlie said as she intervened. Alastor calmed down and returned back to normal. "Sorry about that dear." "It's fine."Charlie replied. "Soooo...who wants pancakes?" Lucifer said trying to break the awkwardness. Everyone immediately shouted, "me!" As they ran to the kitchen. Except for Alastor of course. He was never really fond with sweets, so he just went back to his room for his morning broadcast.

"Lucifer, you make the best pancakes!" Angel commented. Everyone agreed to this statement. He expected to hear a snarky comment from Alastor, but then he realized something. Alastor wasn't there. He wondered why. Should he check up on him--wait, why does he care? He sighed and internally slapped himself before going upstairs. He was about to knock on his door when he heard singing. It was-Alastor? Alastor sings? "Your never fully dressed without a smile~" Lucifer listened to him and just stood there, almost hypnotized by his voice. It was...beautiful. "Im afraid that's all for today folks. And remember, smile! Your never fully dressed without one!" Alastor turned off his equipment and went to open the door. To his surprise, Lucifer was standing there staring at him. "May I help you?" Lucifer snapped out of his daze. "I didn't know that you could sing." Lucifer said crossing his arms. Alastor bent down to his level. "Why, did you happen to enjoy it?" They made eye contact and Lucifer's face turned gold. He was way too close. "Y-yea, I guess it was ok..." He mumbled turning away. Alastor laughed. "Oh how fun it is to mess with you." He said returning to his normal height. "Wha-Hey!"

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