Chapter 5

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About a week passed and the fighting got lesser, but it was still happening. Charlie was determined to make them get along. She was pacing back and forth in the living room. "Babe, are you alright?" Vaggie asked with a tone of concern. "Charlie just nodded her head, deep in thought. "Your overthinking again, aren't you?" Charlie sighed. "I don't know how to get my dad and Alastor to get along!" She said frustrated. Vaggie put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Hey, your the smartest person I know, I'm sure you'll think of something." Charlie smiled at her. "Thanks Vag-" then she suddenly got an idea. "I've got it!" Charlie shouted. "What is it-" Charlie ran off before Vaggie could finish her sentence. She chuckled to herself. She couldn't begin to explain how much she loved her.

That night, Alastor was going to cook his mom's jambalaya. He had mesmerized it by this point. It was his favorite dish his mother made for him. He put on an apron and turned on the stove. He started putting in the ingredients and the sweet memories came back to him. God how he missed her.

Lucifer was just sitting in the living room, getting lost in his thoughts, when he started to smell something. It smelled absolutely amazing! He got up and wandered to the kitchen. He took a peek inside and saw Alastor cooking. Damm, he didn't know Alastor could cook. He was just standing there watching him. "Your not very good at hiding Lucifer. Either come in, or don't." Alastor said. Lucifer turned a light shade of gold. How long was he standing there for? He hesitated before walking in the kitchen. "Is there something you need?" Alastor asked kind of surprised that he actually came in. "I mean- not really. I guess I was just..watching?" Lucifer said awkwardly. Alastor raised an eyebrow. "Well, watch me if you want, just don't bother me." Alastor said as a light pink spread across his face. Lucifer looked taken aback. He expected Alastor to tell him to leave. It would be awkward for him to just stand there, so he got up and sat on the counter. He watched as Alastor added different spices into the mix. "What exactly are you making?" Alastor looked at him. "My mother's jambalaya." He said looking down at the food again. Lucifer was surprised that he knew the recipe by heart.  It was surprising that Alastor actually cared about somone that much. "She must have been a good cook." He said out of pocket. Alastor looked at him and raised an eyebrow. "Is that a compliment?" Lucifer turned gold. "I-I mean-" was is it a compliment? Alastor started laughing. "I'll take that as a yes." Lucifer just stared at him. Alastor had a genuine smile on his face, not the fake one he carried around all day. It was almost beautiful-hold up WHAT. Lucifer looked away and snapped out of it. Alastor continued to cook. Once the jambalaya was done, he called everyone over to the table. Everyone sat down and started eating. "Damm smiles, your a mean cook!" Angel said. "Why thank you." Alastor responded. Lucifer hasn't tried his food yet. He wouldn't be surprised if Alastor poisoned it. Well, he did watch him make wouldn't hurt to try, right? He took a bite and it was like heaven was melting in his mouth. He didn't want to admit to Alastor that he liked it, so he just stayed quiet.

After dinner everyone was forced into an activity. Vaggie, of course had to threaten them. "Ok, for today's activity, we're going to be complimenting each other!" Angel was about to say something, but Vaggie shot him a menacing look. "Each one of you will be given partner to compliment." Lucifer really hoped that he wouldn't get Alastor for this one. "Angel and Husk, me, Vaggie and Niffty, and Dad And Alastor!" She said. "Everyone get with your partner and give each other a compliment." Lucifer walked over to where Alastor was sitting and they just stared at each other for a while. Alastor sighed. "I suppose I'll go first." Lucifer was curious to know what Alastor thought of him. "Well, I guess you're sort of...beautiful in a way? At least more than other demons." Alastor said as a light blush crossed his face. Lucifer just stood there like a deer in headlights. Out of all things,  he didn't expect beautiful. "He thinks i'm beautiful?" Lucifer's face turned gold. "Lucifer?" Alastor said as he waved a hand in front of Lucifer's face. He shook his head to snap out of it. "S-sorry." He mumbled. What could he say to compliment him? "Well, your smile is pretty when it's genuine." Lucifer said awkwardly. They both stared at each other for a while. "Thanks..." Alastor mumbled as he looked away. "Ok, is everyone done?" Charlie asked. Everyone nodded and left to do their own thing. "Vaggie, did you hear what I heard?" Charlie said with her eyes sparkling. "I'm pretty sure." Charlie let out a little squeal. "It totally worked!"

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