Chapter 9

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The next few weeks, Lucifer started hearing a random ringing in his ears. Lucifer usually excused himself until the ringing stopped. Charlie and Vaggie talking about wedding planning made him think about his own failed marriage, so he tried to avoid the topic, but Charlie really wanted to talk with him this time, so he caved. Damm those puppy dog eyes! She was in the middle of talking, when the ringing came back. "I'm going to excuse myself for a minute." Before anyone could say anything, he walked out. This made Alastor suspicious, so he quickly followed. He could barely hear anything. His ears had been ringing for almost 5 minutes and it was driving him crazy. He held his ears, trying to make it stop. But it just kept going. He fell backwards and curled up into a ball holding his ears. His head was in so much pain at this point that his vision started getting blurry and tears were streaming down his face. "Lucifer?! Lucifer!"  He could barely hear who was calling out to him. He suddenly felt arms being wrapped around him. The ringing started to fade and he started to calm down a bit. He looked to see who it was. It was-Alastor? He couldn't quite tell who it was because his vision was still blurry, but he didn't care. He just let whoever it was hug him. They were so warm... Once he finally calmed down enough to see, he saw Alastors concerned face looking down at him. "Are you ok now?" He asked. Lucifer just nodded his head. "What happened?" He asked, a tone of concern layering his voice. "I-I don't know..." What was happening to him? They both stayed silent for a moment. "Why did you help me?" Lucifer asked. Alastor paused at this question. "Well would you rather me leave you here in pain?" Alastor finally said. Lucifer chuckled. "What's so funny?" He asked. "I-nothing..." Alastor raised an eyebrow. "No really, what?" Lucifer looked up at him. "You care about me more than you'd like to admit." Alastor turned red. "Wha-I do NOT!" Lucifer smiled. "Oh really?" He leaned closer to him and Alastor turned even reder than before. Lucifer's golden eyes stared back at his. Their faces were so close they could almost touch. "Uuhhh, am I interrupting something?" They looked over to see Angel Dust standing there. They both froze. "Nevermind, I'll leave ya to it." He said with a smirk. "NO, we were just leaving." Alastor said as he pushed Lucifer off of him. "Ow! Hey!" Lucifer said annoyed.

Alastor went to his room and Lucifer went to his. Angel walked into the room with Charlie in it. "Hey Angel! Where's-" He cut her off. "Ya definitely have two dads" Charlie froze. "WHAT?!"

That night, Alastor was pacing back and forth in his room. Was it possible? Did he actually care for Lucifer? His mind was overflowing with so many thoughts at once that it made his head hurt. What was happening to him?

_____Sorry, another short one!🙃_____

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