Chapter 3

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Suddenly a voice came over the microphone, which I hadn’t noticed before.

“All cell mates are to go to the courtyard for their 30 minute walk around, no talking and no interaction with the others”

The voice said, suddenly a guard appeared at my door and pulled me out. I sigh and let them drag me to the small concrete outside space, I can’t be bothered to fight and I know it would only be worse for me if I did. I stretched as we reached the concrete outdoor area with a sigh I rubbed my wrists as the hand cuff’s where removed.

“Go on” the man who had taken me there said. I looked up at him before I looked out and slowly walked out, we had been split into different groups, it looked like the groups depended on age and gender, though most of the people in this place seemed to be female. I looked around as I walked to the cold concert paddock and ran a hand threw my hair. ‘I need to get out’ I thought as I was moved into the paddock with other women around my age. I looked at their tired, sunken in faces, everyone seemed to live in fear of the unknown room in this place. Their hair was dishevelled and their clothes were torn. I frowned to myself… did I look like that? There were no mirrors in this place, so I just assumed that I did look like the other women as I walked around in a circle, it felt like we were horses on show, walking around obediently. It didn’t seem like we were there for long before someone took my arm and walked me back to the room I was put in, looking up I saw it was a man I hadn’t seen before, he was large and burly with a sharp jaw line and dark eyes, he looked angry as he watched me walk into my room and pull my arm out of his painful hold.

“Someone will be I with food soon” he said in a dull tone before walking out of the room and slamming the door shut behind him, the slammed door seemed to be more of a show than anything since it didn’t need to be slammed in the slightest. I sighed and flopped down on the hard wooden bed, there was only a thin sheet of, what I guessed was the mattress and a sheet for a blanket. The pillow seemed to be a sheet of concert, it was hard and uncomfortable, but better than nothing. I curled up in a tight ball on the bed as I tried to relax, tried to get even a small amount of sleep before the screaming would start again. I sighed as the door opened and someone walked in.

“Are you going to eat this time Ariel?” the doctor asked, I looked up and saw that he had walked in with the man who brought my food, in case I didn’t eat again. I look up at him and blink before standing slowly and walking to take the food. The man passes it to me and I look at the doctor before slowly taking a small amount on the spoon and eating it, I didn’t even know what it was, it looked like someone had eaten something and thrown it up onto a plate. I looked at the doctor who smiled and nodded before motioning for the man who had brought the food to leave. I ran a hand through my hair again as I look at the doctor who was smiling. I look at him with a raised eyebrow and watch him closely.

“What?” I ask, somewhat annoyed at him staring at me. I backed away a little as I watched him, he was a little creepy but I liked him.

“I can help you get out of here” he said after the door was closed, I raised my eyebrow more as I looked up at him.

“What do you mean?” I asked, watching him closely.

“I mean I can help you escape” he repeated. I watched him closely, was he messing with me… or was this real, I wasn’t sure if I should trust him or not, but he was the only person here that was nice to me.

“Really?” I asked, in a state of disbelief, as I looked up at him, he smiled and nodded and a smile slipped onto my own lips.

“How?” I asked gently as I moved closer to him so we didn’t have to talk so loudly and so no one would hear us.

“It’s simple… you have to trust me though” he replied and I nodded.

“Of course” I smiled.

“You’re the only person here who has treated me well” I continue and he smiled.

“I don’t see the point in being mean… it’s not going to get you what you want” he explained and I smiled and nodded a little more as I stretched and stifled a yawn.

“In a few days, I will create a distraction, that will give you the chance to leave, I’ll bring a security guard in here… knock them out and you will put on their outfit, that way you can get out a lot easier, but this place is like a maze, only the people who work her really know the ways in and out of it all so it might be hard to get out… but I’ll explain it properly close to the time.” He explained, I didn’t know what to say… I was getting out of here, I was able to escape, go home and never have to see the inside of that room, the room with the screaming. I watched him as he walked to the door.

“I’ll come and tell you more details when I’ve figured it out properly… please eat Ariel, I don’t want them to put you on lock down” he said and I nodded before  looking slowly at the food.

“What would happen if I was on lockdown?” I asked and he ran a hand through his hair, a distressed look on his warm features.

“Either they would take you to the room and kill you, or just make it extremely difficult for me to help you get out” he explained and I looked scared as I watched him.

“I don’t want either of those things happening to you” he said before smiling.

“Well… eat up and I’ll come and check up on you later.” He smiled before walking out of the door and leaving me alone. I walked back over to my hard before and sat slowly before looking around, it was so dark and dingy in here. As I scanned the room, I noticed something I hadn’t seen before, there was blood, splattered all over one of the walls, dark patches on the floor and what seemed to be something rotting, the sight made me want to throw up, but I knew I had to eat, unless I wanted to be chained down again. Looking back down at the food I held my breath and attempted to eat it as fast as I could so I didn’t have to taste it properly. When the plate was finally scraped clean I dropped it on the floor, stepping back as though it was poison. The metal plate and spoon hit the ground with a light thud and I sat back on my bed, watching as the plate spun a little before clattering to a holt. I sighed as I ran a hand threw my messy hair and looked at the door as it opened slowly and the doctor walked in. 

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