Chapter 2

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A couple of days later the man who had been bringing me food threw more food into my room and then slammed the door shut, murmuring something about having to eat this time or there would be trouble. I crawled over to the plate and nudged it, seeing it was more off porridge and left it where it was, not wanting to eat it, it tasted disgusting. I stood up and walked to the far corner, curling up on the floor and pulling me knee’s to my chest, wrapping my arms around my legs and trying to close my eyes. I heard another blood curdling scream and I put my hands over my ears, sitting up with my back against the wall and my knees to my chest as I tried to drown out the constant screams, they had been happening on and off ever since I got here. Slowly the sounds of people’s screams would drive me insane, ever so slowly, I could already feel it picking at my brain, I could tell I would have lost it after a couple of years… a year… a couple of months… god knows, I had no idea where here was or how long I had already been here. The screams got louder until they suddenly cut out altogether and silence filled the air once again, it was an eerie silence, something bad could happen the air was thick with mystery and horror. I fell asleep during the silence, waking with a start as I heard more ear splitting scream, it was almost pitch black when I woke and my eyes took a few minutes to adjust to this light. When they finally had I adjusted I slowly sat properly and then stood. I looked around and saw that the doctor was back in my room.

“Ah you’re awake” he said as he stepped closer to me.

“I have some bad news...” he started, stopping to see my reaction but I just looked up at him and blinked.

“As you have not been eating I have been brought here with a couple of other doctors to make you eat. Too many people have starved themselves to death, you will not be another one.” He continued before walking closer to me as a couple more doctors walked in, one with a tube and a funnel. Another with a bowl of extra runny porridge. The third doctor who I hadn’t seen came over to me and sat me in the chair at the back of the room. He handcuffed my arms and legs to the chair and making me lean my head back as the other two doctors came over. One put the tube down my throat, making me gag and retch, trying to get away.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t want to do this but I have had orders from higher up and I cannot disobey.” He explained as he put the funnel on the top of the tube and they started to spoon the sloppy porridge into it, making me chock more as I felt the warm liquid slide down the tube and into my stomach. I continued to struggle until, finally the tube was slowly removed and I was un handcuffed from the chair. I sat where I was as all the doctors left. When the door slammed shut I fell forwards onto the floor and curled up, wrapping my arms around my legs and curled into myself as much as I could. I hated it here but I still didn’t know where here was. None of the guards or the doctor and I couldn’t get in contact with any of the other captives in their cells. The screams and cries were driving me insane, I couldn’t take it, I needed to get out.

I slowly sat up and crawled over to the door, holding onto the small, chipped window sill and slowly stood up, putting most of my weight on the door as my legs were way too weak to take the weight on their own. 

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