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My phone buzzes in my pocket catching me off-guard. 

Looking down, I see my illuminated phone screen with two messages from Theo. My heart practically skips in my chest as I click on the messages. 

Theo: Hi :)

Theo: How are you holding up, first day?

 I can practically feel the blush emerge on my face as I duck my head down to type back a short message. 

Kiara: Good, thanks for asking :)

Kiara: Wbu?

I twiddle my thumbs over my screen for his response when the 7th-period bell rings. Dahlia, practically sprinting into the gym, takes a seat next to me after removing my backpack from the assigned-unassigned seat I placed for her. 

"Hey," I say, studying her flushed cheeks and mussed hair. "What's up with you?" 

She hastily applies lipgloss over her perfect pink lips before waving her hand halfheartedly. "Just had to meet up with Aadhi for something." Though she says it convincingly, I've known her long enough to know exactly what that means. Plus, the slightly red area on her neck tells me otherwise that their meet-up wasn't something.

I open my mouth to say a small 'inference' about what happened, but Dahlia cuts me off with an all-knowing grin. "Don't even think about it, Kiara." 

I smirk softly before redirecting my attention to the gym, where several coaches are discussing topics. My phone buzzes again just as Dahlia's lip gloss click-closes. I glance down to see another message from Theo.

Theo: Pretty... interesting. 

Theo: I can tell you about it later if you want?

Theo: I gtg, the boy's gym coaches are absolutely INSANE. Hope the rest of your day goes by smoothly :) 

I feel a flutter in my chest but quickly pocket my phone as one of the gym coaches calls for students' attention.

"Alright, everyone interested in fall sports, make sure you've signed in with your name and preferred activity. Tennis tryout drills are happening on the outdoor courts right now," the coach says, barely glancing up from his clipboard. A few heads turn, but most people stay seated, including Dahlia, who stands up, practicing a few dances she's trying out for. 

Dahlia wants to make the dance team this year. Not like she doesn't every year, but whatever. I watch intently as she gracefully does a split mid-air before landing on her toes.

"Aren't you going to go check out tennis?" she asks, raising a brow before stretching her short arms above her head.

I hesitate. "I don't know. I mean, yes, but-" 

She stops stretching before abruptly placing both hands on my shoulders. "Kiara West, you are the best tennis player I've ever met. If you don't try out, I swear, you will never hear the end of it." 

She looks at me expectantly for a few moments, and I pull her into a quick hug. "Thank you."

As we pull apart, she says: "Go. You'll do great." I start walking to the courts when I hear, "Plus, those tennis matches with Theo weren't for nothing, right?"

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