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It was like there was only Draco and Holly in the ball and no one else mattered. They were too carried away, like they were in their own world, to care about how the others were gaping at them. They danced freely around the room and were probably the most energetic. Never in a million years would've Holly had imagined this. Her and Draco Malfoy dancing, in eachother's embrace.

It felt like to Holly as if everyone in the room had disappeared and it was only her and Draco. His hand on her waist and his close proximity was enough to cause intense butterflies in Holly's stomach. Draco gazed at her as if she was his whole world or something. But at the same time, he felt like he had gone too soft. He had been a sort of bully since the start but Holly stirred something within him and it was too strong to ignore. Draco was too far gone to keep continuing to be like how he always was, arrogant, cocky, rude and the list goes on. Sure he can be like that to others but just not with Holly. He had always cherished some sort of feelings for her it was almost as if he was in- no that's a bit too fast.. we gotta take things slowly, right? But, by the looks of it, he doesn't think he can control himself.


Draco and Holly had sneaked off from the Great Hall and were concealed behind a bush. They were chatting, only chatting. Draco's behavior had changed drastically and Holly noticed. Not only was he cracking jokes here and there he was also being considerably nicer. Shaking it off as nothing, Holly asked, "D'you think they'll notice we're gone?"

"Who cares?" Draco said, smirking, as he ran his hand through his hair. A habit of his since he was younger. "We could get into serious trouble, you know?" Holly asked anxiously.
"Nah, they'll just take a few points away from our house. No big trouble." Draco said in a carefree tone.

Holly forgot her anxiousness for a moment, gazing at Draco, an unreadable expression on her face. It's as if a sudden thought entered her mind. To Draco's pleasant surprise, she cracked a smile. "You're so my favourite."

Draco raised his eyebrows and a wave of happiness washed over him before he smiled warmly at her.

He was silent for a moment before saying teasingly, "I can see that." 

He had never been so happy, ever.

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