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wednesday, nov. 13 detroit, mi
"Have you booked your flight yet?"
I smiled a little, looking back at Kelly as we entered the elevator to go up to my apartment. I had just gotten out of my last class of the day at Old Main, and I was about to change so that we could go to the student center to get Taco Bell.
"No. I'm still debating on whether or not I want to go," I told her.
"Oh girl... you know damn well not going is not an option. We always spend Thanksgiving with your parents. What's changing your mind?" Kelly asked.
I shrugged. "I just don't feel like dealing with everything that comes with going back home. It's been a hard year, and the last thing I need is to hear my mama's mouth about church and finding a husband after college."
"I think you should just tell them you like women."
Kelly immediately laughed, watching me roll my eyes as we stepped off of the elevator. She knew better than anybody that I couldn't come out to my parents. Yes, I was grown, but I wasn't ready to face the struggles that would come with telling my overly religious parents that I liked women. I didn't think that they would disown me or anything, but they would definitely start treating me differently, and I didn't want that.
"I'm saving up so that I can get my own place once I graduate," I said. "Then, I'll come out to my parents and I won't have to worry about them being upset while I'm living under their roof."
"Well, whenever you decide to tell them, you know I'll be right there supporting you," Kelly smiled.
I smiled softly, pulling my keys out of my purse.
"And speaking of saving up... have you reactivated your account?" She asked.
I shook my head. "Nah. It's not even worth it."
"Bey, don't piss me off. You can't let somebody fuck up your hustle. You're making really good money, helping your parents put you through college, and you're saving for your future. You really gonna let that freaky ass girl stop your bag?"
"If she's freaky, then what am I?" I mumbled, rolling my eyes.
We both paused as we stopped in front of my door, seeing a beautiful bouquet of flowers on my doormat. I furrowed my eyebrows and leaned down, picking the arrangement up. I exchanged a confused yet curious glance with Kelly before pulling the note off of the flowers.
I'm really sorry for hurting you and breaking your trust. I hope that I can make up for my actions and earn your forgiveness and friendship.
Nicki M.
Kelly leaned in before smiling widely. "Awwww! I'm still not feeling her, but I won't lie, that was so cute. At least she feels bad for what happened."