Clans and Cats - Windclan

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Leader: Reedstar

A tall, merlot-brown tom with leopard like prints

Deputy: Appletree

A cream coloured she cat with a fluffy tail. Kind and reasonable

Apprentices: Meadowpaw and Prariepaw

Medicine Cat: Thinstalk

A thin, gray tom with a missing front leg, grumpy and harsh

Apprentice: Grasspaw

Warriors: -

Beetleface: a silver-green tom with darker green eyes.

Apprentice: Morphopaw

Orangeheart: a light orange she-tabby with a twisted back paw. Mother to Grasspaw, Papayapaw, and Meadowpaw. Mother to Weaselmask and Swiftwing (See Riverclan)

Monarchwing:  A beautiful tri-coloured tabby, (black, orange and white). Mother to Morphopaw, Prariepaw, Songkit, and Heartkit

Slingshot: an eager light brown tom who just became a warrior

Foxpelt: a rusty orange tom with black ears, paws, and tail. Cold, unforgiving, and harsh

Apprentice: Papayapaw

Lavendarmist: A light purple she-cat with cream eyes and a lavendar-like scent. She just became a warrior

Willowleaf: A very pretty she-cat with a large, leaf shaped tail. 

Twinklelight: A black she-cat with white speckles resembling stars. Mother to Valleykit and Starkit


Morphopaw: A young, black and white she-cat with blue eyes, almost ready to become a warrior

Papayapaw: A resentful, orange she-cat, picking all her cold traits from her mentor

Grasspaw: A young white tom with green eyes

Meadowpaw: a beautiful brown she cat with a lot of energy

Prariepaw: a shy, brown tom-cat with yellow eyes


Songkit: A bright yellow she-kit with black eyes

Heartkit: A lovely red she-kit with with lovely green eyes

Valleykit: A earth-brown tom-kit, almost ready to be apprenticed

Starkit: a light gray tom with blue eyes


One-ear: a half-deaf grumpy black tom with only one ear

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