Chapter 1

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The clans gathered at the Great Oak for their usual gathering, each clan leader taking a branch to sit on with their deputy. "Where's Ravenstar?", Springstar inquired, looking around in confusion, "He's never late". Silverstar gave her chest a few quick licks and spoke up calmly, "Maybe he is having his own with his clan at Sky Rock again". Reedstar grunted, "Well if he doesn't hurry in 5 minutes we will-". Suddenly the familiar black tom came, then his mate, then his warriors, each holding an apprentice, except Leafpaw who walked on her own. 

Sharkstar narrowed his eyes, "Couldn't pick one?". Seashell put her tail around her leader to calm him, but Sharkstar stepped on it, and his deputy had to surpress a yelp of pain. Ravenstar panted, putting down Tigerpaw, "You need to help us", he rasped, "Rats have taken over our gorge". "What do you want us to do?", Reedstar pointed his chin in his direction, signaling him to go on.

"Can you please share your territory? At least until we can either get rid of the rats or drive them out when we are strong enough?". Springstar nodded without a second thought, smiling warmly. Ravenstar was glad that the allies between then were still strong since the time of Firestar and Leafstar. Silverstar, not wanting to make Shadowclan seem stingy, butted in, knocking Hawkclaw off the tree. Hawkclaw landed on a sharp stone with a big thud, but was fine otherwise, his tail flicked in irritation as he glanced up at the Shadowclan she-cat. "We don't know if you eat frogs or rats", Silverstar proposed, "But if you are willing to hunt and be loyal to our clan, I assure you that we will welcome you with open paws". 

Reedstar cringed, "What?", the three leaders turned to him, "That will make Skyclan disappear and vanish into Shadowclan existence. Think about it", he turned to his deputy, hoping to get her approval. "Skyclan would just become a part of Shadowclan instead of two seperate clans, and the forest needs FIVE clans, not four". Appletree let a soft mew in agreement. 

"What do you propose?", Ravenstar asked the Windclan tom, who motioned for him to sit beside his deputy. Ravenstar leapt with a huge bound beside Appletree. "We will allow Skyclan to run free and hunt in our moors, they may take care of one of our kits to replace the one they lost". Bigtail piped up, "But Skyclan is made for jumping, not running". "Says who?", argued Birdsong. Thrushheart turned to Ravenstar hopefully, "We could accept their proposal Ravenstar, think about it". 

Sharkstar hissed, "What about me?". Silverstar, startled, regained her composure and dipped her head gracefully, "Oh go on sir, we forgot about you". Sharkstar rolled his eyes and unsheathed his claws, "If you Skyclan are weak, go back to your twolegs and pathetic twoleg streets". The cats gasped in horror. Ravenstar nearly fell of his branch. "WHAT!", Hawkclaw roared, "What do you mean?". Sharkstar gave the black tom a look to keep quiet, while Seashell's tail and ears pinned behind her. Sharkstar snarled at Ravenstar, "The forest only needs strong clans, and I don't care if Starclan thinks it shouldn't be right. What's the difference anyway? Five clans to four? Pah". He waved his paw dismissively. 

Shorttail mrowed, unable to make coherent words, Swallowpaw spoke up, "We can't make the same mistake like we did years ago". Sharkstar's ears pinned back and his lips curled, "If it weren't for my sympathy that probably won't last for the next moon, you would have all been crow food". Whitefox, who was quiet all this time spoke up, "Let's end this meeting before it ends in uproar". Reedstar nodded, "Anything else?". Swanfeather sighed mournfully, "Doestep's dead". The clans fell silent at this, until Silverwind mewed quietly, "We are sorry for your loss, may she find peace in Starclan". Sharkstar hissed, "Let's go home before I sink my claws into any one's neck". Springstar got up with her deputy, "No problem", and leapt to the ground, turning to Ravenstar, "Come to me anytime Ravenstar", and left with her warriors.

Reedstar dipped his head, "We will be waiting Skyclan", and left with his own warriors. Silverstar laid her muzzle on Ravenstar's head and left, leaving Sharkstar and his own. Sharkstar motioned for Seashell to leave, and he will catch up. Once Riverclan was out of sight Sharkstar gave Ravenstar a glance full of murderous intent, and ran away after Seashell. Ravenstar sighed and turned around to leave, and Thrushheart trotted beside Ravenstar, "So?". Ravenstar purred in content, "We can settle with Windclan and try it out". "And the other clans?", Mothpaw inquired, "Surely we aren't going to stay with Riverclan, right?". Ravenstar nodded, "Of course not", he reassured the young she-cat, "We can go ahead with the other clans, as long as we don't disturb them". The yellow she-cat breathed a sigh of relief and returned to her mentor's side. Ravenstar watched as Silverwind put her tail on Mothpaw's back, but he couldn't push away that nagging feeling that Sharkstar was up to no good.

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