Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

Ethan's car drove away, leaving a faint hum of the engine slowly disappearing into the darkness. My hand held the small package given by Ethan, drawing it near to my eyes to take a closer look. There was a small scribble on the edge of the corner. I narrowed my eyes to read it but it was too dark. I decided to go intomy house. I swung the handle and took a peek. Nobody was around the living room, but I could tell that the TV was on. My hands closed the door softly. I tiptoed into the kitchen, popping my head inside.

My mom gave outa small shriek when she caught my eyes. She was cleaning the kitchen, her apron full of grease and smudges of custards. A few wooden spoon fell off from thecupboard as her body crashed backward into it.

"Kimberly! Goodness gracious me! Where have you been all this time?"

I could tell it was not a good situation you're in each time your mom used that high pitched voice.

"I've called you over and over but you didn't answer! And look what time is it. You've missed supper. What did you do?"

"Mom—" I started to explain.

"Now what? Kimberly, don't try to—"

"Mom!" I took her hands, "I was taking Russel home, okay? No one picked him up and it was nearly sunset. And my phone died."

She was silent for a while, still digesting everything I said.

"Alright," she finally said, "How did you get here?"

"Ethan drove me here."

"Who's that?"she narrowed her eyes, asking in suspicion.

"Russel's brother."

"Have I meet him before?"

"How do I know, Mom?"

"And supper?"

"Um... Not yet."

"Eat. Now.

Mom forced me to sit on the kitchen table. I was shocked when the clock above the refrigerator showed that it was almost 9 pm. I just realized how hungry I am now. The house was quiet, except for the buzz of television filling the empty spaces. The air was still cold and humid because of the heavy rain, staining the kitchen windows wet. Mom's busy hands flied all over the place, re-heating the soup and mashed potatoes. The warm, delicious scent soon went all over the place. Soon I forgot about Ethan's package and decided to read the tiny scribbles later after my supper.

"Darling, did Chris called you today?" she asked between the sizzles from the pan.

I shook my head.

"Why?" I asked.

She chuckled. Before she could say more, the doorbell rang.

"Who could it be in this time of hour?" I mumbled to myself, reluctant to leave the table.

"Just get the door, dear." she said, half smiling to her pan.

I turned the door knob as the door hinges creaked open. A gush of joy flooded over me as Isaw the face who stood before the door mat. I made a tiny scream and squaled, jumping up and down as the strong arms rushed for me, wrapping my body in warmth. His laugh rippled in the crisp night air.

"I missed you somuch, Kim," he sank his head into my hair, hugging me even tighter. I could smell the strong scent of lemon and the highway in his leather jacket.

"Oh my gosh, Chris!" I laughed aloud as he spun me around for a short moment.

"So how's my beau? I hope you still think of me as the awesomely hot Christopher Parks,"he wiggled his eybrows, showing off the dimple on his left cheek. Somehow his voice got a little deeper and richer.

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