Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

On the way home, we didn't speak. Our plastic rustled, filling the silence. He didn't look at me either, only talked necessarily like reminding me to watch out for a small puddle or asking what time is it. He couldn't check the time because both of his hands were full, carrying two bags of groceries. One of my hands carried the last plastic. Afterwards, he would focus on the road again. 

The moon was creeping out. The streets were empty, radiating dim warmth from the lamp posts. It was getting colder and colder until small white puffs steamed out from my mouth when I exhaled. Chills prickled my skin and a soft wisp of wind tousled my chestnut locks. I thought of Chris who was ahead of me. He is mysterious in some ways. He is good natured and cold. He smiles and then his mouth was set in an uncertain way. His eyes were full of glee, then melts into grim emeralds. Like a spark of fire, then a drop of morning dew. Is there any person who knows of him like I do?

I dropped my gaze on his contours beneath the darkness. His thick shoulder blades made a sad dance on his shoulder every time his arms rocked back and forth. His feet were swiftly shifting from one pace to another. The muscles on his legs were contracting, synchronizing with the swinging arms. And the back of his neck, it was firmly supporting his head. His nape was carved with the jet black crew cut that stopped halfway at the end of his neck. Everything about him had changed. 

Christopher Parks. His name became something strange in my eardrums. He isn't the human he really was. I thought again about humans being fragile. Is Chris fragile? 

"Kim?" he was now looking at me, holding his ground. The luminous emeralds below his eyebrows sparkled under the street lights. I still could see them though we were meters away. They were the most beautiful color I've known in life.


"Are you alright? You've been stopping for about a minute."

 "Oh." I blinked my eyes twice. His words brought me to my senses. "I was just...thinking, you know." 


"Yeah. Thinking," I replied as I continued to walk towards Chris who stood still like a statue. 

"Thinking about...?" he trailed off, leaving the tips of the sentence hung in the air.

I hesitated for an answer. For a moment, I was thinking of what to say. "Things," I decided finally. I went past him, ignoring the urge to look at his expression though I could felt the weight of his gaze on me.

He didn't say anything back. Maybe he thought it was the best to leave me alone from his questions. It was very silly of me that I was secretly wondering, is he thinking about me? Perhaps no. I let my shoulders sag with disappointment at that answer. 

"Kimberly," he called out. His voice was deep and thoughtful, but firm at the same time. He was serious. 

I turned my head for him. He was right next to me, standing awkwardly. I didn't answer, knowing that he will speak on his own without me responding his call.

"You still remember when I said I noticed something about you?"

I nodded. 

"Well, it's...uh..." he bit his lower lip. His expression told me that he wanted to rub the back of his neck so bad. Dang, Claire was right about him. I have to admit that he is hot. I'm melting right now. Totally melting. 

He swallowed hard. "You're beautiful, Kim.” 

Everything fell silent.

He took a deep breath and started. “I just knew that you're beautiful. Really. I don’t know why am I talking like this... and....” he made a nervouse laugh, “Your intense expression you were wearing that know...they were so mesmerizing. They made me notice that you have soft chestnut hair falling over your shoulders, or the way when you were looking at ssomething with the thoughts inside your mind...Ugh, I'm such a freak, right? The stuffs I'm saying right now are like..."

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