Chapter 4: Flying And Meeting Others

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The scientist takes us to a big room that looks like an old gymnasium. He throws us in the room and says, "Go have some free time to do whatever you want." I know what I'm going to do; fly.

I start to test out my wings. Then, I flap them hard and my whole body comes off the ground. I am flying! "Jayden!" I squeal in excitement. "I can fly!"

"Cool! I mean you are a bird." Jayden teased back. 

I landed on a small ledge and decided to watch what the other creatures in the room are doing. Jayden can run faster than I ever thought he could. Well, I guess he is a tiger. I see a Polar Bear wandering around. Then, I see him dart towards a pond. How did a pond get inside a skyscraper? Who knows. He jumps in and come out with a fish in his mouth. 

I scan the rest of the room and notice a red fox spying on Jayden. I fly down to Jayden but I don't reach him fast enough. The fox pounces on Jayden's back but he starts laughing. "Ethan, get off me." Oh good. It must be one of his friends. 

"Jayden, what have you been doing for the past week?" Ethan asked. 

"Not much if you count turning into a tiger."

"You know what? I like you better as a tiger." Ethan joked.

"Hey, I want you to meet my new friend. Phoenix, come here." I walked over to Jayden and Ethan.  "Phoenix, this is Ethan."

"Hi. So I heard that you're Jayden's new friend."

"Yeah." I replied nervously. 

"Does that mean I'm not your friend anymore?" Ethan asked. 

"If you don't want to be my buddy anymore you don't have to." Jayden teased.

I tune out of the rest of their conversation and out of the corner of my eye I see a snowy owl. I fly over to talk to it. "Hi, I'm Phoenix."

The owl looks over at me and I instantly know who it is.

                                                                  Who do you think Phoenix met?

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