4 - The Kiss

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I was on my bed thinking about Shane. He has been really weird lately. I took a deep breath then got onto Twitter. I scrolled past my recommendations of people to follow, but the. I saw something and scrolled right back up.

'Shane White

I decided to follow him. I was looking through his tweets, but there was one that caught my eye.

'I love you too!'

I thought it was his mom or someone, but it was some girl who looked around our age and was actually a goddess. I felt like a worm against her. She had silky ash brown hair and the bluest eyes a human could possibly have. Her body was super fit and had long legs, her tan was absolutely perfect.

I swear she is not fair.


I walked out of the cabin to see it's dark outside. I saw a fire and went towards it. I saw all the guys from the cabin around it talking and laughing then screaming from arguing. I laughed and decided join them.

I walked over, "Hey!" I yelled to get their attention. Everyone got silent and looked over at me and my perky smile. "Oh. Hey Carter," someone, who's name I think was Luke, said. What was his problem? I didn't even do anything. I looked over at Liam. He gave those eyes that clearly said, "Go back to the cabin, now"! I was so confused.

"Okay, well I'm gonna go, see ya later," I wink at them. I turned around and began to walk when I made a secret U-Turn and hid behind the trees and started eavesdropping on them.

"So, Shane? Are you gonna do it?" Someone said. Do what? Were they going to make him do something he didn't want to? Well, knowing them for the 3 days that I have I honestly wouldn't be surprised. "Guys, I don't know it just sounds mean," I hear a voice that I immediately recognize as Liam.

"Liam don't be such a pussy! It's not even that bad!" I think it was Ryder who shouted. "Wait. Who am I even doing this with?" I recongnize Shane's voice. "Luke!" Someone yelled back at Shane. I heard laughter, "Oh come on! He hasn't ever talked to her until right now, I'd have a better competition with the virg- I mean Liam!" I heard Shane say. I wanted to go over and slap Shane right across the face. And shockingly I do.

"I'm sorry for interrupting whatever is happening over here, but I heard someone needs to be bitch slapped! Well, I am a bitch! And you," I say turning to Shane, "need to be slapped." I finish proudly. And I do just that, I slap him right across the face. I hear gasps around us. He grabs his cheek and yells, "well! OW!" I heard a few laughters. I smirk at him. "Now. Why did you do that?" He asks calmly. I walk over to Liam and give him a big hug.

"I heard some not so nice things and Liam. No? And I thought, 'oh hell no!', so I walked over here and slapped you," I smiled. I looked into his eyes which were very confusing. He got up and grabbed my wrist and pulled me away from the group.

I was internally freaking out because I had no idea where he was taking me. Was he going to kill me? Probably! I say my prayers as I prepare for my terrible death. When we stopped I turned and looked around.

"What are we doing here?" I ask softly.

"I'm here to kill you," he finished with an evil smirk appearing on his face. I knew it. My life is literally over. "I'm kidding! I just wanted to do this," he says as he leans in to me. I'm literally panicking. He doesn't know that this will take away my lips virginity. I know there don't really have one, but still. This was a serious matter.

When his lips touched mine I had no idea what to do. But I sure didn't mean to do what I just did.

I kissed him back.

I swear I didn't mean to. But it was so nice, soft, delicate. He pulled away and looked into my eyes. "I've been waiting far too long to do that," he smiled. Being my socially awkward self I almost said "how long to be exact?" But thank God I didn't.


After we walked back to the cabin, we exchanged numbers. I was extremely happy and I didn't know why. I got ready for bed and on the bed. I grabbed my phone and texted Liam everything. And I mean EVERYTHING. I know he's right next to me, but I didn't want the others to hear anything. He texted back and said he was very happy for me.

I woke up the next morning and realized we have to go fishing today. I put on some shorts and a Blink -182 tank top. I grabbed my high tops and put them on. Since I had no idea what to do in the art of grabbing fish from comfort then putting them back in the water, I had asked Liam to help me. He agreed to it.

We went down to the lake and grabbed our supplies. After spending about 15 minutes explaining to me what to do we casted our poles into the water and waited.

To be honest it was very boring and I was running out of things I talk about to Liam.

Just as I was going to start my wonderful small talk I felt a tug. At first I was clueless. Then I realized a fish had come. A FISH. I begin reeling it in. I was struggling. Liam saw my struggle and began helping. Man, it was heavy. I must've gotten a big one! We reeled it in. I took one glance at my fish. My face fell, from happiness to disappointment.

The fish wasn't bigger than my hand.

I suck.

"Wow! Great catch!" Liam laughs, but it's ok. I laugh with him.


How are you? I'm good! Thanks for asking!


Oh and I swear if I hear anyone talk about how they've seen this idea I dunno what I'd do. Read the hunger games and divergent and those many trilogies about a messed up society.


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