Chapter 6

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Rose's POV

I was sitting down on a bench, next to Eddie, waiting for my turn. Lots of people had already sparred and none of them had been Eddie or me. So now I was just waiting for my turn to come up. At this moment there were two guys fighting. I think their names were Dylan and Chad. 

The fight had gone for around 25 minutes until Chad was able to pin Dylan down and 'stake' him. Alberta went onto the mat and looked at a paper. I think it had everybody's names on it. She scanned the paper for a few seconds and called out a name.

"Eddie Castile" she called out.

Eddie stood up and made his way onto the mat. Now, he stood next to Alberta.

The person who was going to verse Eddie better be prepared. Eddie was a good fighter, but I could totally beat him.

We were all now waiting for the next name that Alberta was going to say.

She scanned through the paper again and then said a name.

"Dimitri Belikov"

What? Dimitri? He's here?

I looked around and saw a figure walking towards the mat. I just looked at him. How had I not notice that he was here?

Dimitri was now on the mat, next to Eddie. I looked at Eddie and he looked shocked. I just snickered in my seat.

Alberta got off the mat and stood on the side. Eddie and Dimitri stood facing each other and took about 3 steps backwards. Then Alberta yelled, "Begin"

Eddie was the first one to move. He threw a punch, but Dimitri just moved out of the way. This is what was just happening. Eddie throwing a bunch of punches and kicks and Dimitri just dodging every single one of them. I haven't seen anyone who could dodge like Dimitri. He was so fast.

Their fight went on for about 6 minutes, until all of a sudden Dimitri pinned Eddie down and 'staked' him. We were all shocked. Then everyone began clapping.

Dimitri helped Eddie up and Alberta came onto the mat and said, "winner of this round Dimitri Belikov" some people clapped louder and the rest was just clapping.

Dimitri and Eddie got off the mat and headed my way. Eddie sat next to me and Dimitri was standing in front of me.

"Hey Dimitri" I said.

"Hey, mind if I sit down next to you?" he replied.

"Umm.. no, sit down if you want." I told him.

Dimitri sits down next to me and my stomach does flips. What is seriously happening to me!

We sat in silence until Alberta called me up. I made my way to the mat and waited for my opponent. Alberta then called a guy named, Jace.

Jace walked up to the mat and we stood facing each other. Alberta got off the mat and said, "Begin"

We began to throw punches here and there and a few kicks, but not one of us could get a clear shot. We kept fighting like this for a few minutes. I was beginning to get tired and I could tell that he was too. I couldn't stop, I had to win. I threw a round house kick just like what I did when fighting the strigoi and I got him on the side. He fell and I pinned him down and 'staked' him. Alberta came onto the mat and said, "winner, Rose Hathaway"

I got off Jace and stuck my hand out to pull him up. He took my hand and I pulled him up. He then said, "nice match" and walked away. I made my way back to Eddie and Dimitri.

We sat just watching other sparring matches until there were only a few people left. Maybe around 4-6, including Dimitri and I.

After a while, the only people left were Dimitri and I. Alberta called us up to the mat and we looked at each other. He smiled at me and my stomach felt weird. Argh! I smiled back at him and we took our positions. Alberta went off the mat and yelled, "Begin"

Dimitri and I were just circling each other, not throwing any punches or kicks... yet.

I was waiting for him to attack first, but since it didn't look like he was going to, I made my way towards him and threw a punch. He dodged of course. I threw punches here and there but he kept dodging. I increased my attacks and he still dodged but only some. I got a few hits on his shoulders that made him step backwards but he never fell. I threw in a few kicks as well, but he blocked all of them. We did this for about 10-15 minutes, then I began to get tired. I looked at him and he didn't even look tired.

I threw a punch and this time instead of him just dodging it, he dodged and pinned me down. I struggled for a few seconds and then got an idea. I lifted my feet up to my chest and kicked him in the chest. He fell backwards and I got up. I looked at his face. His face was in shock. I just smirked and pinned him down. I was about to 'stake' him but then all of a sudden he flipped us over. Now he was pinning me. This time, I didn't get to do anything because he pinned my hands above my head and then 'staked' me.

Everyone clapped and cheered for us and Alberta came onto the mat and said, "winner, Dimitri Belikov" the cheers became louder.

Dimitri got off of me and offered his hand. I took it and I felt a spark. I liked his touch. It was comforting in a way. Okay, what was I thinking?

I shook my head, got up and said, "Congratulations Dimitri."

And he said, "Thanks."

"Anyway, I'm just going to go back to my dorm and take a rest or something. So I guess see you later?" I told him.

He nodded and said, "Yep, see you later."

As I headed to the door, I saw Eddie and said, "Catch you later."

And he replied, "Yep"

As I was walking to my dorm room, I was thinking about my body's reaction around Dimitri.

Okay, first something was going on with my stomach. Then I felt a spark when I held his hand and I liked it...?

I thought harder about it and then I realized something. I stopped dead in my tracks.

I couldn't be...

I couldn't be falling for him, right?

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