Chapter 25

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~2 days later~

Lissa's POV

It has been two days since Adrian and I saved Dimitri and Rose. Well, we hope we saved them... They haven't woken up yet.. Adrian and I had thought we killed them, but the doctor said that they were breathing. So right now, I am sitting next to the bed Rose was in while Adrian was with Dimitri.

I looked at Rose and said, "C'mon... Please Rose... Wake up..." then I put my head in my hands.

This is all my fault... This is all my fault!

"It isn't your fault..."

If it weren't for our good hearing, I wouldn't have heard her. I looked up from my hands and saw that Rose was awake!

"Rose!" I yelled and pulled her into a big hug. She laughed and hugged me back. Then I said, "Do we still have the bond?"

She nodded her head and said, "Yep! Pretty much heard you blaming yourself.."

"I'm so sorry! It's all my fault!"

She shook her head and said, "It wasn't your fault.."

We stayed in an embrace for a few minutes and then Rose suddenly pulled away from me. I just gave her a confused look while she looked at me with sad eyes.

I tried to reach into the bond to find out what was making her so sad. But she was blocking me out.

I asked, "What's wrong Rose...?"

She didn't answer me. I asked again, "What's wrong..?"

"Get out..."

I was taken back. Did she just tell me to get out...?


She looked at me and said, "I told you to get out..."


"GET OUT!" she yelled.

Tears began to stream down my face and I began to make my way towards the door. I glanced once more at Rose and ran out of the infirmary, crying.

Rose's POV

I watched as Lissa ran out of my infirmary room. I looked down at my hands and began to cry.

I couldn't be her best friend anymore. Not after I tried to kill her and the others.. I remembered every single thing I did when I was a strigoi. I was horrible.

Then someone knocked on the door. I looked at the person and saw that it was Christian. He made his way next to my bed and sat in the chair that Lissa was in before.

I wiped my tears and said, "What do you want...?" in the most coldest voice I could manage right now.

He looked at me and said, "Rose, we don't blame you for all the things you did as a strigoi. It wasn't you.."

I didn't look at him. I kept my eyes focused on my hands. Then I said, "Christian, please... get out... I am not worthy to be friends with anyone..."


"Get out..."

He sighed and got up. "Rose, all of us will always be here for you..." and with that he walked out.

I sighed again and laid my head on the pillow.

Then I thought that I should probably apologize to Dimitri. So I got up and went over to his room.

Dimitri's POV

I heard everything that had gone on in Rose's room, since her room was next to mine. I sighed. I had told Adrian to get out the exact same way Rose told Lissa and Christian. Minus the yelling part.

I closed my eyes for a few seconds and then when I opened them again, Rose was next to my bed looking down at the ground. We stayed silent for a while and then Rose said, "I am so so sorry..."

I looked at her and then pulled her into a hug. I stroked her hair and said, "There's nothing to be sorry about... You weren't yourself.. We both weren't ourselves..."

She shook her head and said, "I'm so sorry! I am the worst person ever! I tried to kill my friends and I turned you into a strigoi!" after she finished her sentence she began to cry.

I just held her and said comforting words to her as she cried.

After a few minutes, she stopped crying. I pulled away from her and said, "None of it was your fault..."

She looked back at me and didn't say anything. I sighed and held her hand in mine. "Rose, you have to forget about the things that happened..."

"Did you already forget the things that happened...?" she asked me.

I tensed for a minute. I would never forget..

"See... how could you tell me to forget about what happened when you haven't forgotten..."

I looked at her and then thought about all the things that happened.

I could never be friends with them... the things I did when I was a strigoi... I couldn't forget... I couldn't bear to be around Adrian or the others after what I had done and I'm guessing Rose felt the same way...

So I asked her, "Rose, would you run away with me...?"

She looked at me surprised and then said, "Of course I would!"

I got up from the bed and then said, "Go to your room and pack only necessary stuff and then meet me at the front gate..."

She nodded her head and then ran off. I stood there for a while and then ran off to my room.

I got to my room, grabbed a backpack and began to stuff the essentials inside. I looked around my room one last time before heading out and running towards the front gate. I sighed. This is for the best...

Rose's POV

I got to my room and began packing things into my backpack. Once I was finished, I stood in the middle of my room thinking if I should write a letter to Lissa. Then I thought it would be best if I didn't write a letter. I slung my backpack over my shoulder and sprinted to the front gate.

Once I reached the front gate, I saw Dimitri. He looked sad. We both probably did. I ran up to him and gave him a hug. Then I said, "This is it..."

He nodded his head and said, "This is it..."

We both pulled away from each other and went up to the guard and knocked him out cold. Then we ran out of there.

While running I took one more glance at the academy and then I unblocked the bond and then said in my head,

Goodbye Liss...

And then I blocked the bond again.

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