Chapter 13

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Rose's POV

I looked around for any weapon I could use, but I couldn't find anything. I struggled again for a few more seconds, but it didn't work. I couldn't get out of his grip. I was thinking about screaming but then thought about it. Lissa would come out and save me, then Aaron will kill her. I couldn't let that happen so I kept my mouth shut.

I glared at Aaron and all he did was keep his smirk on his face. So being THE Rose Hathaway, I spat on his face.

His grin disappeared and he slapped me across the face, hard.

I closed my eyes to keep the tears that were forming, from falling. I looked at him and again and he grinned and said, "Aww, did that hurt, Little Rosie?"

I glared at him again and spat on him again. He did the same thing before, when I spat him. He slapped me and he added a punch to my stomach. I coughed and then groaned in pain. That was one powerful blow...

I looked away from him and then I heard Lissa in my head.

Rose...? Rose? What's taking so long? Are you okay? Rose?

When I heard Lissa, I had gotten strength to try and get out of Aaron's grip.

So firstly I bit him on the arm and he yelped out in surprise. I then punched him in the face. He let go of me and yelped out in pain. I got up and ran to where the others were.

I got to them and they looked at me with shock. Then I said, "Run!"

We all took off running. Dimitri was in the front making sure we don't run into any strigoi. Lissa and Christian were behind him and I was last making sure no one snuck up on us.

Then for the second time that night, I got tackled. I yelped out in surprise as I hit the ground. I could hear the others footsteps go further and further until I couldn't hear them anymore. I sighed in relief. I looked at who tackled me and saw that it was Aaron again. How could I have not seen him. Argh! I have to pay better attention next time.

If there is a next time...

Aaron then said, "Hmm, maybe I should make you a strigoi. You'll be a fine addition."

I replied, "I would rather die than become a strigoi."

He smirked and said nothing. All he did was lower his head to my neck and I could feel his fangs. I froze. I really was going to die or become a strigoi.

He was about to bite into my neck, but before he could bite me he was on fire. He let me go and cried out in pain.

I was still scared but now I was shocked too. What the heck just happened?

I looked at Aaron. He was screaming and screaming in pain. Then he fell to the floor, dead.

I was still on the ground in shock and fear, when somebody picked me up and began walking. I looked at the person who just saved my life and saw that it was Christian.

"Ch-Christian...?" I manage to stutter out, I was still a freaked out about what happened.

He looks at me and smiles.

I ask, "H-how did you d-do that...?"

He just says, "I specialize in fire."

I nod and bury my head in his chest. Although, I wish it were Dimitri carrying me, I was just glad to see a familiar face who was not a strigoi.

Then after a minute or 2 of walking, Christian stopped.

I looked up from his chest and saw Lissa, Eddie, Adrian and Dimitri standing in front of us. They all had worried faces.

Christian put me down and the first one to run up to me was Lissa.

She hugged me so tight that I couldn't breathe. But I didn't care. I hugged her back and she says, "I was so worried about you!"

I just smile and we let go of each other.

The next person to hug me is Adrian.

"Little Dhampir, don't scare us like that ever again." he says.

I laugh, hug him back and say, "Yeah yeah."

We pull away and then Eddie gives me a quick hug and says nothing.

After Eddie, Dimitri hugs me and says, "Are you okay Roza?"

When he asked, all the things that just happened flashed through my head. I was about to say no, then I said, "Yep." But truly, I was still freaked out.

He pulls away and looks at me. Then he kisses me. We kept kissing until someone cleared their throat.

Dimitri and I pulled away and I looked at the person who cleared their throat. It was Christian and he had a smirk on his face. Then he says, "Well, I'm waiting Hathaway."

I sigh and say, "Thank you for saving my ass back there, Pyro." I smirk at him.

He then replies, "No problem, Rosie"

Lissa then says, "Pyro?"

"Yes, Liss. Pyro." I say.

Adrian joins in by saying, "Doesn't Pyro have something to do with fire...?"

"Yes. Christian is a fire user" I say.

When I said it everyone's eyes became wide, except for Dimitri. I gave Dimitri a confused expression as to why he wasn't shocked and he smiles at me and says, "Figured it out when you said Pyro."

I laugh and then Adrian says, "Since everything is fine now, I'm going to just go and crash. See yah guys." He then walks towards his room.

I was still freaked out so I might as well try to sleep it off. So I say, "Yeah me too. It's been a long day. I'll see you's later." I give Dimitri a quick kiss, wave aat Lissa, Christian and Eddie, then I make my way towards my room.

When I get into my room, I lock the door, grab clothes and head to the bathroom to take a long shower. After I took a shower and got ready for bed, there was a knock on my door. I looked at the time and it was 11pm. Who would be knocking at my door at this time of night?

I walk to the door and just look at it. I'm still a little spooked out so it takes me time before I open the door. And when I do, Dimitri is standing there. I am shocked and ask, "What are you doing here?" he replies, "What's wrong, Roza?"

I'm still shocked and say, "what do you mean? I'm fine. Come in."

He walks into my room and sits on my bed. I close the door, lock it and sit next to him.

He then says, "Stop lying, there's something wrong. What is it?"

We sat there a few more seconds in silence, before I did something embarrassing.

I broke down and cried.

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