Do u remember?

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~Lauren's POV~

"What?" I asked confused by her question. "I said, who are you people?" Camila repeated. There was an awkward silence, which Louis broke with his loud laughter. "Good one, Mila!" he chuckled. Camila looked totally lost with what was going on here.

Camila isnt talking as much as she use to. She's not as energetic. She's acting really weird. Then, it hit me. She doesnt remember who we all are, doesn't remember who I am.

"Guys......" I said in a hurt tone, their faces turned from smiles to worry, "She.....she doesn't really remember us".

Ally, Normani and Dinah burst into tears with the realization that Camila, one of their best friends, 1/5 of Fifth Harmony, has no idea who they are.

Harry looked like he could cry a river, but instead clenched his fists and exited the room. "I'll go talk to him" volunteered Liam.

"P-le-ase t-tell us you're j-jo-king" Dinah pleaded between sobs. "Im really sorry but i really don't know who any of you are. I wish i did. I really do" Camila said in an almost pity voice.

Zayn and Niall came back in the room with the doctor. I didnt notice they left. I guess they knew where the situation was going. "Did you tell the doctor whats wrong?" asked Ally. Niall nodded. The doctor asked all of us to leave the room so he could do some tests.

We left the room and Ally cried even more than she did before. "This is all my fault! Its my fault Camila has no clue who we are!" Ally screamed. "No, its not AllyCat" comforted Normani, "Yes it is!! If i hadn't forced Camila to go with me, this wouldn't have happend!" said Ally. With everything happening, i broke down crying like everyone else.

~Harry's POV~

I cant believe this! The girl im madly inlove with, DOESN'T REMEMBER ME ANYMORE! All those memories we've built, the feelings we felt for each other, every single moment we've spent with each other..........gone. I didnt even want to see Camila right now, everytime I do, it feels like ive been shot. Dont get me wrong, i still love her.

"Harry!" Liam called. "What do you want?" I said a bit too harshly. "Why did you run out like that?" he asked. "BECAUSE, LIAM! SHE DOESN'T REMEMBER ME ANYMORE! NO ONE TOLD ME SHE WOULDN'T LOVE ME ANYMORE!!" I snapped. "Woah, calm down, mate" said Liam "Everthing will be alright. Me, the guys and the girls will help you out, okay? We will try to get Mila's memory back".

I stayed silent until i came with a decision........I, Harry Styles will make the love of my life, Camila Cabello fall inlove with me again.

~Ally's POV~

I cant help thinking this is all my fault. Oh yeah.....IT IS! My thoughts interrupted with the doctor gesturing us to come into Camila's room. I looked around, still no sign of Harry or Liam. Where did they go? "Ok it seems that Ms Cabello here, has amnesia. The cause is still unknown. Something must've went wrong during the surgery because i've never seen this happen before" said the doctor "Now, i want to do this last test infront of you, so you know what she remembers."

*Doctor and Camila convo (D- doctor, C- Camila)*

D- "What is your name?"

C- "Karla Camila Cabello"

D- "How old are you?"

C- "I dont know"

D- "Who are your family members?

C- My mom, my dad, and my little sister

D- "Do you know any of these people here?"

C- "No"

D- They are your friends, ok? So, you can trust them.

Camila nodded.

"When can we take her home?" I asked. "Since she's awake, then yes" said the doctor.

"Can you sign Mila's release papers, Louis?" Normani asked. "Sure" he replied.

Now, time to introduce myself.......again.

~Lauren's POV~

We all had to introduce ourselves.......again to Camila. I walk up to her hospital bed, and held out my hand,

"Hi. Im Lauren." I gestured the the girls, Niall and Zayn to do the same.

"Im Ally"

"Dinah. Dinah Jane"

"My name is Normani"

"Hello, love, Im Zayn"

"The names Niall"

Camila i guess felt more comfortable around us because before she looked cautious of all of us. Now, she's all smiles. "You're gonna need some clothes" said Zayn.

"Can you call Ryker and ask him if he could bring some clothes for Camz?" I asked Dinah. She nodded and pulled out her phone.

*Ryker is 5H's bodyguard (he is made up btw since 1D has a bodyguard i thought why not 5H)*

"Oh. No." I said widening my eyes. "What? What is it?" asked Ally. "Ryker just texted me and he said the hospital entranced is blocked by fangirls and paparazzi" I said queitly so Camz wouldnt hear. Camz still doesn't know she's a famous pop star like the rest of us.

Just then, Ryker burst through the doors and out of breath. "What happend to you?" asked Niall curiously. "Fa-ng-gir-ls" he said in between breaths. Niall and Zayn started laughing, Ryker gave them a death glare and they both stopped immediately.

"I brought the clothes." said Ryker handing me Camila's lightblue polo shirt and white shorts. I passes it to Camila.

"I need help to change."

Oh right. I forgot about her injuries. "Ummmm.........Moni! Can you help her?" I said.


After Moni helped Camila get dressed, Ryker led us to our car im the parking lot. Niall and Zayn decided to stay and wait for the boys. I haven't seen Harry and Liam since he stormed off an half an hour ago. Louis is probably with them.


I got a text from Harry.

From: Harryyyy :P

To: LoLo

I'll meet you guys back at your flat.

To: Harryyyy :P

From: LoLo

Ok. c ya!

I turned off my phone and got in the car. Ally sat up-front, I sat next to Camz, and Moni sat next to Dinah. Ryker started driving and rode off to the highway.

I turn my attention to Camila who was now asleep with her head on my shoulder. I smile and whisper,

"If only you knew...."


Here's Chapter 2!!!! Hope u enjoyed it.

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Im open to suggestions.


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