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This chappie is dedicated to @MixedStories and @LittleLiarcim bcuz ILY them and bcuz THEY R FLAWSOME AND INCREDIBLY NICEEEE




~Lauren's POV~

What just happened? Camila just ran out, "Hey Laur where's Dinah and Mila?" asked Ally. "I don't know" I said "All of a sudden Camila just ran". "Maybe she saw someone that triggered some sort of memory" Ally suggested "I'll call her". After talking to Camila on the phone, Ally said "She's home with Dinah". "What?! Ok, go get Mani then we'll go home" I say pointing to Mani across the room clearly flirting with Louis Tomlinson, I reached for my car keys inside my purse but it seems they're gone. Camila must've took it, I thought. Ally came back with Normani, "Can we use your car Mani? Camila took my eyes, she went home with Dinah. They're back home" I said

"Ok. Lets go".

~Camila's POV~

I cant believe I almost caught him and her got away. "Ok so tell me what happened" said Lexie sitting down handing Dinah and I a cup of cocoa. I told her what happened. "If that guy was Hades why would he come here?" asked Lexie, 'We don't know but we saw him creeping on your room " said Dinah. I took a sip of my cocoa and said "I tried grabbing him but he got away, but I did get his cufflink from his suit which clearly proves he was at the party". I handed Lexie the cufflink, she traced the letters 'Z.M.' and recited it to herself. Dinah and Lexie exchanged knowing looks.

*if u dnt know what a cufflink is, pic is on the side....i think*

"What is it?" I asked them both, no answer "Tell me!". Lexie cleared her throat "I'm sure Dinah was thinking the same thing so we think Z.M. might stand for Zayn Malik". I gave her a confused look "Who's that?", "Uhh..he's that guy with a quiff in One Direction" said Dinah showing me a picture of Zayn on her phone,

"And you think he did it? Why?"

"That's what I'm curious about" said Dinah taking her final gulp of her cocoa "Zayn's always been so nice and generous, I dont remember him having anything against you".

Suddenly Lauren, Ally and Normani burst through the door. "What the hell was that?!" Lauren exclaimed, "Lo I can explain" I said trying to calm her down. All of them sat on one side of the couch. "What's really going on Camila?" asked Lauren taking a seat beside me and took my hands as if they were a fragile piece of art "You can trust us". Ally shifted in her seat uncomfortably. That's when I told them all about Hades, the texts and what happened tonight "Mila why didn't you tell us anything?" said Normani

"I don't know, I thought I could keep it a secret and I'm sorry".

Lauren sighed and kissed my cheek "Its okay Camz. Just don't keep anything from us ok? We'll all try our best to find this person" I nodded. Ally took a deep breath and said "Since Mila confessed about this 'stalker', I feel obliged to say that.....Lauren, Camila I'm so sorry about avoiding you guys and not supporting you. But from now on, I will be 100% supportive of anything you do".

"Thanks Ally that means alot" I said intertwining mine and Lauren's hands. "I have a confession too" Normani blurted "Louis asked me out!". "Mani we're so happy for you!" said Lauren. "Ouuuuhhhh guurrrrrlll get some!" came from Dinah, we all laughed. "I have one too" said Lexie "Keaton asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes", "Pero like Im happy for you but if he breaks your heart, I think we all know what I'm capable of" Dinah said as a matter-o-factly. "Dinah!" Lexie exclaimed,

"What? Its your first boyfriend, cant I be a little protective?"

"No" Lexie said with a 'not-impressed' face. We were all having such a good time opening up to each other but that quickly faded when I got a text from none other than Hades:

You almost caught me there. I must say you have a good eye for spotting me so quickly, doesn't matter anymore. I got what I wanted. PS. I told you you'd look stunning -Hades

And attached to it was a picture of Lauren and I from the party with her arms around my waist, It looked like it was taken from a high angle, almost like its taken from the top of the staircase, with a perfect view of almost everyone in the party. "This all sounds like it was ripped out from the pages of one of the PLL books" said Normani, "That's reallyyy creepy text" added Ally. "Speaking of texts" I said showing them Hades' texts about my mom "What is he talking about?". "Uhh" Dinah trailed off, "You were gonna find out somehow" said Ally looking down. "Camila......your mom d-died of can-cer 4 months ago" Lauren said struggling with her words.

What?! NO NO NO NO! This cant be happening

~Lauren's POV~

"Camila wait!" I tried to go after her but I felt someone grab my arm, it was Normani. "Let her be for now. She needs some alone time right now". I sighed and plopped back down on the couch.

-5 minutes later-

I suddenly hear loud banging coming upstairs. "That's it" I cant take this anymore, I need to be there for her. I ran to Camila's room and found her punching and kicking the wall, crying a waterfall. "Oh baby..." I said trying to hug her but she pushes me away "No!Stop! Leave me alone!". I forcefully wrap her in my embrace and she finally gave into me, Camila cried on my chest for what seemed like hours. "Shh...its okay Camz. Its gonna be okay" I kept saying "I'm here. I'm here".



HIIIII GUYS!!!!! i wanted to give y'all somethin before i leave for the phillipines so here it is!!!!

And also....can u guys comment any messages u have for the girls that i could put in the book im gonna give to them (full sentences plz)

ILY ALL!!!!!!!

-Althea, daughter of Pluto

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