Friends. { Έρχεται ο Άδης }

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*** Author's Note:

Okay, some one person said I should add more Ally and Normani so here it is :)) *****

This chapter is dedicated to @jerrieitsrealbitches for being a genius and figuring out my little clue on the last chapter :))


~Ally's POV~

Normani is making me watch Pretty Little Liars to get things off my mind, but its not working. "Hey Moni, im going to talk to Mila. Is that okay?" I ask, " 'Course"

I struggle to get up due to my severly broken foot, caused by the accident. "Here i'll help you" offered Normani, I put my arm around her shoulders and her hands go around my waist. Normani slowly helps me up. I rest my back against the nearest wall so I dont fall down, while Normani gets my crutches. "Here ya go Allycat" she says, "Thanks"

"I'll walk you over to Mila's. Just incase you fall down" said Normani.

Normani knocks on Camila's door but she doesnt answer. I push the door open slowly with my other foot thats not broken. I open the door to see that Camila is gone.

"Wait stay here i'll go see if she's with Dinah and Lexie" said Normani.

~Normani's POV~

I knock on Lexie's door, "Come in!"

I see Lexie's suitcases are on one side of the room, while Lexie and Dinah are focused on 2 laptops laying on the computer table. "Have you guys seen Mila?" I ask, "She went outside to go get some air" Lexie replied eyes still on her laptop. "Okay thanks".

I wonder what they were doing, seemed important.

I went back to Ally, "So is Mila there?" she asked. "No, i think she's outside".

We both walked towards the stairs, once we got to the edge Ally stopped. I look at her and say "C'mere lemon head", I pick her up making sure i dont touch her broken foot or her thigh gash. She holds her crutches by her chest, when we got down the steps I carefully put her down. "Thanks Moni".

I open our front door and see that Camila isnt here. "Camila isnt here. Do you think she ran off somewhere" I worriedly ask, "She probably just went for a walk" said Ally "Wanna go look for her?"

"Sure. Lemme just get your wheelchair. There is no way you are walking with those" I say pointing at her crutches "You'll get tired".

"Aww. You're so thoughtful" she says giving me a kiss on the cheek. " 'Course" I say getting her wheelchair out of the garage.

I roll the wheelchair across the driveway and motion for Ally to come over. Once again, I lift her up to put her on the wheelchair. I put her crutches back in the garage.

"Can we go to Starbucks first?" Ally asked. "Sure. Theres one in Olympus Blvd near. here".

"Off to Olympus we go!" she said in a superhero voice. "Dork" I say.

"You know you love me"

I roll my eyes at her cuteness and dorkness.

Olympus Blvd is not too far from here. So it was a very peacefull walk, well for me, Ally's in a wheelchair. I was having a nice time until paparazzi just HAD to ruin it.

My eyes were blinded by camera flashes.

"Ally! Normani! Over here!"

"Where's Camila?!"

"Normani! Is it true your relationship with Arin Ray is over???"

"Ally, where's Troy?"

"How are--"

"Leave us alone!" I yell. "Its alright Moni. Lets just keep going" said Ally.

~Camila's POV~

I walk into the Starbucks Cafè. I look around and saw the boy who occupied my dreams. "Mila over here" he motions.

"" I say. He pats the seat next to him, motioning me to sit down. "So.....Mila I asked you come here...becau--" Wesley starts. I cut him off "Im really not looking for a relationship. If thats okay with you".

"I understand. Your inlove with somebody else aern't you?" says Wesley "Harry?".

"Um....sure" I respond. He gives me a wide smile and a wink "Ohh i get it. I know who". I give him a confused look.

"So friends?" I ask. "Of course" said Wesley giving me a hug.

For about 10min he talks about his brother Keaton and his best friend Drew. And like Xfactor memories and how his band Emblem3 is doing with their label. I could've sworn he said something about a Greek god, I dont remember who.

But as he is talking, i dont recall any of those things. "Camila, you okay" asked Wesley.

" Yeah Wesley"

"Why do you keep calling me that?" he laughs "Call me Wes for short. Its like you dont remember me".

"You have no idea" I mumbled. "Whats wrong?"

I told him about my memory 'condition' and all that. "Oh my god, Mila. Im so sorry, here you are having coffee with an almost complete stranger. Im gonna help you get better"

"Well the other girls have told me some things about you" I say

"Probably the bad things only--".

Before he could continue Normani came in with Ally in a wheelchair.

"Wesley Stromberg. What an unpleasant surprise" said Normani. "What are you doing here with Mila? If you hurt her....well you're just lucky im in this wheelchair" says Ally.

"Ally, dont worry. We're just friends". I say

"I've changed" Wes said. "We'll have to see that for ourselves" Normani answered with a smile.

"Okay. I better get going, I volunteered at the California Hospital Medical Centre. Gotta go! Bye guys! I'll text you Mila!" said Wes.

"Isn't that the same hospital Mila had her surgery?" whispered Normani. "I think so" said Ally.

~Wes's POV~

I got in my black ferrari convertable and drove to the hospital.

( see the car here:

When i got there, there was a different desk lady than before. But, i couldnt see her face, her hair was covering her face.

I signed in the volunteer sheet. But before i could go, "Can you please put these files in those sets of silver drawers? Its in alphabetical order so it should be easy" asked the mysterious lady who kinda looked like she was a bit too young to work at a hostipal. Maybe she's a volunteer too.

"Sure". I walk towards the door where she was pointing at. I enter it and filed the papers she told me, I took a peek of the name and it said 'Carter, Karl'. That must be the patient's name.

I open the 'C' section of the file of the drawer, since it was organized alphabetically by last name. I put the patient's file where it should be.

As I was closing the drawer, something caught my eye. A familiar name in one of the files next to Karl Carter's, I open and realized the kind of files these were.


Hello! People of Earth! its a late update srry, i had to plan my mom's bday and get ready for camp.



-Althea, daughter of Pluto

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