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~Camila's POV~

I woke up with Lauren's arms still wrapped around my waist and im facing her, with our faces inches apart. My eyes trace to her lips, her soft-looking and kissable lips. Looks like she's still asleep.

Camila! Stop it! You have a boyfriend!

I try to release from her grip but she tightens it and buries her face at the crook of my neck and mumbles something in her sleep. She's so cute, I thought. "Lo..." I whisper, "Mhmm five more minutes mom".

"Lauren" I say "Wake up". I think she woke up and realized what position we were in because she immediately pulled away from me.

I already miss the warmth she gave me.

"Uhm....sorry I-" I cut her off "Its fine you were in your sleep, you didnt know what you were doing".

"Lets go make breakfast"

Lauren leads me to the kitchen and we start making pancakes for everyone. Im a lousy cook so i burned most of the pancakes I made.

"Mmm smells good" said Dinah and Normani walking in the kitchen with the boys and Lexie right behind them.

Everybody took a seat and started eating the pancakes set out. "Did you burn this?" Keaton asked flipping his pancake which was almost completely brown. "Umm yeah?".

After breakfast i took a shower and put on a red sweater with the words 'epic' written across it in white and a red skirt.

I entered the living room and Wes approached me, "Mila i think i know someone who might know something about that dream of yours". I nodded. "Wes and I are going out for a drive" I called out to the others.

Lauren wasnt there though.

I got in Wes' car and he started driving.


Wes took me to his physician uncle and had me examined.

"Alright Ms. Cabello" said Dr. S "Im pretty sure i know whats going on. Hallway, dark, bright light, voices, it all adds up".

I just kept nodding.

"You had a near-death experience. While in surgery, your soul left your body which caused your body to completely shut down. And the hallway, the bright light is like the entance to the 'after-life, if you walked through that light you would die and basically go to the 'after-life'". said Dr.S

"So i was a....ghost?" I asked, "Not really" answered Dr.S "You were just a mere soul floating in the space time continuim".

This is....alot to take in, and then everything went black.


I woke up in Wes' car. My head was pounding. "Wha--What happend?" I asked, Wes took a glance at me but his eyes returned to the road. "You fainted" he said "Uncle says you shouldn't get into a too overwhelming situation".

My phone buzzed. It was a text from Harry.

Can we meet up at Clanton Park? i need to talk to you -H

"Do you know where Clanton Park is?" I asked Wes, "Yeah its a like a block away feom your place. Why?".

"Harry said we should meet up".



Wes dropped me off the park and i immeadiately spotted Harry, he was posing with some fans. They left and I approached him, "Hi Harry" I said giving him a hug.

"Listen, Camila. I really dont think we're working out so....im breaking up with you".

"Uh ok"

"Can we still be friends?"

"Yeah 'course"

I turnes around and started walking to my house.


When i got infront of my gate, it was filled with paparazzi.

"Camila! Over here!"

"Wheres Harry?"

The flashes blinding me.

"Are you cheating on Harry with Wesley?".

And for the second time today, i blacked out.


I woke up in a bed that wasnt mine, and i started panicking. "Hey hey" said a calm familiar voice "Dont sit. Rest".


"Lauren? Is that you?"

"Yeah, Camz its me".

"What happend?" I asked, "You got hounded by paps and fainted. Wes told me that he took you a specialist and you apperantly have a low pulse so you cant be in a pressure filled situation. But your your pulse will get stronger over time" said Lauren.

I successfully sat up and look directly into Lauren's green orbs, and In that moment, memories of Lauren and I, just me and her, flashed through my mind. The feelings i felt in those moments came rushing back.

Then I realized......Lauren Jauregui, I love you.

My eyes dart to her lips then back to her eyes, she did the same to me.

I leaned in until my nose was grazing against Lauren's. "Camz..." she started, I cut her off by crashing my lips against hers. She immediately kissed back, I didnt expect the amount of spark I felt when kissing Lauren. I licked her bottom lip, she opened her mouth wider and my tongue explored every corner of her mouth.

Air became an issue and we pulled back breathing heavy.



is all I have to say.

-Althea, Daughter of Pluto

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